Sunday, 6 January 2019

Cheap lighting, snap it up now.

Now is the time to buy Christmas lights. The shops want to get rid of their excess stock because it's taking up valuable space. There are bargains to be had. Christmas lights aren't just for Christmas. I found a bargain yesterday.
The sticker on the box said £4, as did the shelf label, original price £5. There was also another stack nearby which looked the same but was priced at £2. What's the difference? These had a clear cable, the cheaper ones had a green cable, but I wanted the clear cable.Oh well will have to pay more for what I want. Surprise surprise, when I went through the checkout it scanned at £2, great, I said nothing, a bonus for me. I find Wilko's prices generally more expensive than other shops, so it was nice to get a bargain.  
Picture taken with a flash.

And without.

The clear glass £1 vase I bought from a car boot sale about six months ago, intending to cover it with fabric. A project that never got started.

Now, where to put it. It looks very nice in a dark corner of the living room. It would also look nice in the bedroom, or the kitchen, anywhere really.

If you've got some of these led lights and a large glass vase or bowl, of any shape, round or straight and tall, give it a go, but it must be a large size. Don't squash the lights into a small space. The cable trailing out the back can't be seen. I like it.   ilona


  1. There is still lots of bargains to be got. Your lights are a brilliant idea and you still have the vase it you want to use it for flowers.
    Hazel c uk

  2. Psi forgot again about Heidi?
    Hazel c uk

    1. She is showing a slight improvement, her appetite has come back. Another blood test tomorrow.

  3. very nice great bargain i got some of these before christmas in cheap shop mine are different colours but cable is clear i have mine up still this is why i bought them to have them displayed on a top shelf in lounge room just loose with couple candle holders n a plant didnt think about putting them in a glass thing looks so lovely :)

    1. A good idea, Lou. I did think about hanging them on hooks underneath the wall cupboards in the kitchen. They can be used anywhere, and at any time of the year. If I take an extension cable out the the summer house they would look nice in there.

  4. I have purchased most of my Christmas decorations and lights in January. I even got my tree half price in January. I have these small lights all around my home.

  5. Thank you. I really like your idea of putting them in a vase, nice to use year around. Also, for some weird reason, I had not realised these type of lights could come with a clear (as in not green) cable. I will now keep an eye out for some on sale.

  6. Now as I give this idea more thought, I am thinking I have seen some lamps with a clear base (similar to this vase). This might be handy, as then one could feed the light cord through the hole in the base originally used for the lamp electric cord. Not sure how one would/could finish off the top (where the bulb used to go), but if I should find such will worry then, grin.

    1. The plug on these lights is sealed, you can't take it apart to thread the cable through a hole.

  7. We don't have a Christmas tree or lights but I have spotted the canny buying up the packs of Christmas cards, wrapping paper etc on offer. I sound awful but I don't send Christmas cards either and between our group who do swap a small gift; we recycle the 'gift bags'.

  8. hi! I love the fairylights like that in a clear vase. We have fairylights over the top of the cupboard in our living room and its twined around a long string/boa of fake christmastree branches. Love a bargain! M.

  9. I have a vase of lights on my side table in the living room, there is a set in the kitchen twinkling away in the evening. It really adds a touch of joy to the rooms.

    1. Yes, it does. I'll buy some more, that's if they haven't been snapped up by now.

  10. I like it Ilona and led lights use minimal electricity. We need a little brightness in our lives on dark winter nights.

  11. Oh no Ilona!-I'm so silly & wasteful- only this week I paid £6 for similar lights from tesco which were originally £12.They are indoor outdoor though with a plug.I won't I'm sure use them outside.I have put them in a lantern near to a electric socket x

  12. hi ilona heidi mayze and oscar thank you for your tip about lights. i just cleared up the christmas cards but have left the white lights on as they are so hygge. will try and find a vase and fill it in with other lights i bought just before christmas. they are so uplifting as this time of year is so dark and dull. my two cats love the lights and candles but like their food more. they have both gone out for a stroll and investigation of their territory. lots of love to you and your beautiful feline family. have a good week and hope heidi will be fine. love liz amy and benny.xxxxxx

  13. I did this exact same thing with the same looking vase and lights but I did before Christmas. I got my lights at the dollar store, something like your Poundland so it cost $1.25 Cdn and the vase was the same price. That's about 1.5 British pounds.

  14. NIce idea for lights! I also like to find wrapping paper that can be used any time of the year....didn't find any like that this year. Have a deLIGHTful and blessed new year, Ilona!

  15. Great idea looks lovely.
    Here in Australia you can also get these same lights that run off batteries, so you can put the whole thing in a vase or whatever and you can move them anywhere. Good fun anytime but useful in power outage.

    1. I looked at the battery ones, but didn't want to keep buying batteries. Very rarely our power is cut off, once a year if that, and they tell us in advance.

  16. Great idea...Happy 2019 to you.

  17. I thought of some of the things you re-purpose when I saw the whirligigs on this site.

    1. Thank you for the link, an interesting site. Pity they stopped posting in 2012, but what's there is good for reference.

  18. I always do this with my battery lights and keep them in use all year.Im off to do my first lot of food shopping since December 22nd this morning!.I had to spend another £1 at the weekend,so my total cost since then is £3.49p.Im getting good at this,lol!.xx

  19. what a great idea - I'm on a 'no-spend january'(except for milk & cat food!) but if i see any lights super-cheap, then i may be tempted!

  20. Oh everyone needs twinkles! I do the same it’s mine..put them in a vase! Great bargains to be had!


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