Wednesday, 9 January 2019

My new Rupert trousers.

When I was in Sports Direct shop last week looking at cycle helmets, I spotted a fabulous pair of trousers hanging on the end of a rack in the golfing department. I just had to have them. Yes, perfect for my summer walking. I don't normally like the cut off trousers, some of the casual outdoor types look like blown up plastic bags, but these look sleek and fashionable. 
Long trousers in the summer are too hot for me, I prefer to wear a skirt, or shorts. These will do the job just fine. The fabric is light and silky and non creasing. They remind me of Rupert trousers. They were £7 so I thought I would treat myself. 
Oooops I set the timer wrong on the camera, not ready, here is my fat arse. 
Dontcha think they look snazzy? I'm going to love wearing these. Pity they don't do them in other colours, I would have bought some more.

My red Rupert trousers. I'm going to keep my eye on that golfing section, might see some more.



  1. Your new trousers are fabulous, I especially love anything I don’t need to iron.

  2. like your new trousers ilona they really suit you. love to you and the gorgeous fur babies. love liz amy and benny.xxxx

  3. Your trousers are smashing and a good price

    Hazel c uk

  4. Bright colours always stand out better in "walking" photos, especially on dull days! They look great!

  5. I do like those. They're very cute. They look kind of like capri pants.

  6. Just perfect for your lifestyle! I am glad that you found them.

  7. Just the ticket and the price was right!!! They're great!!

  8. Hilde in Germany10 January 2019 at 04:50

    You look great!

  9. They are very nice, they look good on you.

  10. Ilona, I think they are fab, they look great. Will be be very practical too in the summer. You can wear them with loads of different tops to ring the changes. Bargain !

  11. I like them, just my colours. Look out for for golfing shorts that look like a skirt....they are called skorts I think. Very comfy and practical for walking in.

  12. very nice love the color they cute

  13. I like your look Ilona-a great pose x

  14. Hi Ilona, it’s Sonja from NorthCarolina. Love the new trousers. Please sign me up for the 2019 walking group. The accountability is very helpful.

  15. My husband has always liked knickerbockers for rambling walks. He has a pair of thick woollen ones for winter hikes and cross country skiing. He says they are very comfortable and keep the weather off his aging knees.

  16. I love the trousers and a good price - good idea looking in the golfing section I never thought of that x

  17. The non English may wonder who Rupert have never seen any Rupert books in the US.

    1. Rupert Bear is a childrens book character. He wears yellow check trousers.


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