Wednesday, 2 January 2019

This and that

It's amazing, 49 people have put their names down for the walking challenge for this year. There are some very high mileages for last year, and a lot of people reporting how much better they feel for doing it. So, off we go again, put your best foot forward and go for it. 
I had a day out with family in Nottingham yesterday, it was nice to see them again. Lovely food, and look at this lovely present I was given. A glass tee light lamp. Very pretty. 
I took Heidi to the vet this afternoon, she has not been too well. It's an ongoing problem with her blood, she had an injection and I have to take her back on Monday for another blood test.

I did my three mile walk at 7pm tonight and two people from the village came with me so I could show them the route. They want to give it a go, and will record their miles.

No New Year resolutions here. There will be some trips, holidays, and days out. Pretty much more of the same as last year. There is a party at Blackpool that I will be going to, might extend that to a holiday.

There is one change, I won't be going to crafty club as often as I have been doing, the group has grown and now it is very noisy everyone talking at the same time. The older I get the less I can tolerate noise. There are some sewing workshops at the sewing shop that I will attend. Smaller groups and a teacher to show us techniques.  ilona


  1. It's really exciting that more people are joining the walking group.
    I felt out of sorts today but I hadn't walked yesterday so I made myself go.
    I had a lovely time, met people I knew and said hello to those I didn't, ( we do that round here), and felt wonderful when I returned.
    I quite agree about groups. Sometimes one needs to reassess whether one is still enjoying the experience. I don't like too much noise. We go to an art group but fortunately the teacher insists, gently, on quiet while we are working which suits me beautifully. I hope you enjoy the smaller groups Ilona. Thanks for your encouraging comment yesterday! Sue.

  2. Hi Ilona am wondering if this comment will go through with my recent computer issues but giving it a go! My apologies if I come up as Anonymous, it's not intentional just having a lot of problems with blogger sites at the moment. I know what you mean about noise. I wish I had a sewing shop near me that did workshops, one of my friends goes to a beading group and really loves it, about eight of them which seems a nice number. I did 5 miles yesterday and 4 today so have got off to a good start.

  3. Had the same problem with a knitting group I was going to once a week. It was pay as you go, so you never knew how many people would attend, and it was for all levels of knitters. It got so large that the poor instructor couldn't get around to help everyone. And lots of different conversations going on at the same time. Think you're right - the older I get, the less I like lots of noise, or for that matter big crowds!

  4. Totally agree with you and the above.I can’t cope with noise and don’t hear well.Getting older is such a b.......r!

  5. Similar situation for me regarding the noise. I enjoyed the craft group but found myself leaving before the two hours were up. I started to wear hearing aids about a year ago, and with them in the noise overwhelmed me and with them out was unable to hear, always attempting to lip read or asking individuals to repeat. The group is associated with my local seniors center and my craft is crochet so I will contribute by creating on my own at home. We craft for a couple of sales in October and December, as well as scarves, mitts, gloves to donate to schools located in low income areas. I will pop into the group once in awhile just to catch up with my friends.

  6. I myself am not keen on being places with much noise/talking folks. Aggravates me.

    re the gift...
    A lovely gift, and one which is very thoughtful. It appears to me, someone has taken the time to pick out a gift for you which suits you/useful to you/satisfies your life of simplicity and beauty/will be used and appreciated. Well done (to the giver).

  7. It's lovely, how delightful xo

  8. I'm not up to joining your walking group as yet but I did manage two half mile walks today so I thought that was a good start. I'm determined to do walking Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - and then do stretches & small weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm hoping for more walks on the weekends but more for fun than a set total. I'm determined to spend this year getting back in shape. I need to do it slowly due to mobility issues but I'll try to build up slowly and maybe by the end of the year I'll be able to do 3 miles per day.

  9. I used to attend a 'private' craft club held in someones house by a retired art and craft teacher. She had loads of knowledge to pass on and her home was adorned with hand made craft and works of art, it was a pleasure to be there. Then, a 'lady' arrived, and she was one of those people that 'topped' everything you said, and I mean everything, you know the sort, any subject that came up, she could do better, had done better, knew someone who had done it better, etc. etc.., I stopped going and I heard the group folded not long after she joined - can't imagine why !!

    1. I bet she was the same one who tried to take over my writing group! I attended a brilliant U3a writing group where the tutor was very knowledgeable and I was learning a lot. Then we had a lady join who just had to sit next to teacher and add her twopennyworth to everything that was said! That and the lady who had had her meds changed and became hyper talkative (I kid you not)just sucked the enjoyment out of the group and I left.

  10. What a lovely present you were given.
    I like small groups of people sorry you are not going to go to your craft group so much. I go to a Knit and Natter Group and we have closed the group for 12 people main reason is space.
    Hazel c uk

  11. Here is an article about exercise & older muscles which might inspire some !!

  12. Happy new year to you Ilona and every one here.Mine didnt get off to a great start because one of my daughters guinea pigs had died when they went to feed them.She was a beautiful little pet and are like one of the family,so we had a small tearful burial in my garden yesterday.We put some broccoli stalks in with her and she now has pink silk flowers placed on top of the small grave.Anyway,I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and are all ready to start another year of frugal life.Ive only spent £2 49p since Dec 22nd and the food and meals are all planned until I go shopping next Monday.I didnt go to the sales because there is nothing that we need.Im going to have a year of not buying any clothes and that means charity shops as well.....Flis,remind me of that when we meet up again!!.Ive got so many that I love and want to get more use out of them.I hope that Heidi is going to be ok.Its awful when our beloved pets get ill.Im sure she will be fine and I send love and best wishes to you all,xx

  13. Patricia in Canada3 January 2019 at 14:10

    Please add my name to the list of walkers for 2019, going to try a little harder this year to rack up more miles than 2018. Patricia in Canada.

  14. Sorry that your Heidi is not feeling too well Ilona.Can I just tell Debi here please, that I've deleted her number accidently making message space - "I am saddened to hear about your family guinea pig-Bless her x" x

  15. I hope Heidi has had a better day.
    Hazel c uk

  16. Hope you have a good year ahead-looking forward to reading about what you get up to.

  17. Hi Mean Queen!! Happy 2019! Can I be cheeky?? Can I ask where your relatives got the brilliant tealight holder from? I want One!! All the best, Dean

    1. Hi. This is the importer, wholesaler distributor site, you would need to email them and ask for a list of retail outlets that stock their products, nearest to you. The one I have is called Poppy Fields. They have some beautiful things.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.