Wednesday 1 April 2020

Check in for the Walking Group.

Good morning, it's April the 1st, and we all know what that means. Yes it's April Fools Day, it's the tradition to play a prank on someone, make them look silly by inventing some kind of story or situation. There has been a few clever ideas over the years which make the national press. I can act the clown when the mood takes me, not good to be serious all the time, but I couldn't set out to deliberately upset someone by spinning a yarn and poking fun at them.

Anyway, this is no joke, today is when the members of the International Walking Group get together and send a comment on how they are getting on with their own personal walking challenge. As you know my annual target is 1000 miles and after three months I should be on about 250 miles. Well it's good news, I am on 269, so  good start for the next three months.

I am lucky that I live in a rural community, I can walk out of the door and be in the countryside in a few minutes. Plenty of space to keep my distance, sometimes I don't see anyone. You might not be so lucky where you live, all you can do is your best. Maybe try walking at night if there are street lights, or get up early and go for a walk first thing. Everyone's circumstances are different, remember to keep yourself safe.

I have to walk, for my sanity, and physical health. The great outdoors is a tonic, it feeds my mind and my soul, I would wither and die without it. It doesn't have to be pretty, and picturesque is a bonus, but all I need is space around me, and the feeling of being close to nature.

So let's hear it from you. Have you found a way to get your miles in without putting yourself at risk. Tell us about your routine, what have you found that works the best for you. I walk at any time of the day or night, the times which suit me best to fit in with whatever else I am doing. Maybe you aren't so flexible and prefer to stick to regular times. Let us know.

A pic from the files. Bamford in Derbyshire.

Thanks for popping in.  Toodle pip.  ilona

PS. Just popping back to say thank you very much for the lovely comments coming in. I appreciate your kindness. xxx


  1. A lovely bridge and stream. I am not doing a lot of walking either walking round the garden or standing looking at the fields, yesterday there was two deer feeding round the edge, I miss my little walks but I have to be careful I am frightened of falling especially now there is nobody about, it your mean that my daughter would have to look after me and she works at a care home, it won't be forever and I am lucky to have the garden. Take care, Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  2. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers,it's going to be a bit harder keeping up the miles from now on but fortunately have had a good 3 months so far reaching 309 this year (96.25 in March). I have a circuit which I can vary from home. It's just over 3 miles so hope the weather stays fair and I can do this most days during lockdown. Stay well and safe, everyone, Vicki in the East Riding

  3. Hola a todos. Este mes no ha ido muy bien. Estamos confinados en casa por el tema del coronavirus y solo he podido caminar 59 millas. Espero que cuando todo acabe, pueda recuperar este tiempo para acabar el reto
    Espero que estΓ©n todos bien. Cuidense mucho. Un beso.

    1. Translation...… Hello everyone. It hasn't gone very well this month. We're confined to home because of the coronavirus issue and I've only been able to walk 59 miles. I hope that when it's all over, I can get this time back to finish the challenge
      I hope you're all okay. Take good care of yourselves. A kiss.

  4. 237 total for me. March was a good walking month here.

    Sheila in Idaho

  5. Walking is a very important part of my life. It helps not only physically but mentally for me to get out and enjoy nature. I live in an area of the US where I have easy access to parks and walking trails so have no excuse (other than weather) not to get out. I walked 77.16 this month for a total 214.85 this year. April looks to be a nice weather month so hope I can add lots more miles.
    Thanks for your blog. I check it every day and enjoy reading it.

  6. Sadly I'm on lockdown and am surviving but there is nowhere to walk here for us.My mental health is not good but hopefully things will improve x

  7. A very disappointing 41 miles in March. Haven't done a lot of walking because of the current lockdown. Have to look for creative ways to do better this April. On a positive note i managed 3.5 miles today which is half a mile over my daily target.

  8. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers! I am with my daughter and her family since two weeks now, helping them out with homeschooling the children and moving to their new-built home, in these confusing times. I have only been able to walk 28 kilometers during these weeks. I remember I had walked whilst at home about 270 kilometers so far. With these 28 added I come to a total of about 298.
    Still aiming for 1000 kilometers in 2020. Loving and enjoying it!
    Sending love and blessings, stay safe.

  9. Hi I too walk for exercise and sanity if I need some serious soul searching I find a long walk does the trick, I don't live very far from the ocean so that is where I usual head. I now have a cheap imitation fit bit and tracks my steps, distance etc. It keeps me motivated to try and reach 10,000 steps daily though sometimes I have reached it by 7am after my morning walk. So glad it is something we are still allowed to do by the government
    Melinda (SE Qld Australia)

  10. Allison in Victoria, BC2 April 2020 at 03:11

    Hello Ilona - walking is so important right now for those of us that can do it. I managed 151 miles in March (it's a long month!) for a total of 424 so far this year. Stay safe and healthy all!

  11. Best wishes to all, look after yourselves in these trying times. I realise and appreciate how lucky I am to live in such a pretty and safe place to walk.Thanks again Ilona for keeping our spirits up and not so isolated. This months total 96 miles.

  12. Hi Ilona just 71 miles for me this time.

  13. 60 miles this month and a struggle with my bad knee but I won't give up x

  14. Joy Central Vic Australia3 April 2020 at 02:55

    Hello everyone, hope all are safe, healthy and sane !! 88 miles for me for March and very happy to be able to get out and get some "me" time.

  15. Thank you all for reporting in. Some are struggling, some are able to carry on. Just try your best and don't give up. Report in as usual on the 1st of May. Good luck everyone.

  16. Hilde in Germany4 April 2020 at 08:37

    As lang as we are allowed to take walks without getting near to other persons, I´m fine! Only two minutes to get out of the village. I go shopping every ten days, not when the shop opens, because there always is a queu, but about half an hour later when the first shoppers heve left.
    Oh, and I am up to 282 miles, so not doing bad.

  17. Good afternoon/evening Ilona,
    I walked a bit over 70 miles in March, I will get the exact numbers updated when we post April data. The weather is fantastic here in the Arizona desert so I tried to get more than two miles a day when possible. With our state on “stay at home” our neighborhood is filled with people and their dogs that I have never seen before. Lots of room on the roads so we wave and keep walking. I feel badly for folks in cities where maintaining distance is hard.

    My knee has been hurting me but it hurts less when I walk, so I think that is a sign from god ;). Best wishes to everyone in this time, and let’s hope the end of April Is the start of getting back to normal.
    Hilogene in Az.


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