Tuesday, 20 April 2021

blonde - ish

It hasn't lightened as much as I thought it would, but at least it's a nice golden colour all over, and it has improved the condition of it. I think the model in the picture on the box had a wig on. 

No need to cut it, I did that a few weeks ago. It was perhaps a bit too short then, but the raggedness of it is not so noticeable now it has grown a bit. This is the length I like. 

Maybe I'll use the metallic purple in the winter. So much easier to do this at home, I couldn't bare to sit in a hairdressers shop for an hour or so. I don't like someone else faffing around with my hair. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I like it!! Looks lovely :)

  2. The lighter red looks very natural. I like it a lot.

    1. Thank you. I wonder what it would look like if I put some metallic highlights in it.

    2. Pretty jazzy. You have thick hair so it will look nice either way. I guess we are supposed to go lighter as we age. I’ve got blonde highlights in the back to tie in the white that is taking over the front. Ah well. Born in 1949 so I can’t expect to look too youthful.

  3. You have done a good job there Ilona!The colour has took really well and suits you.I also think that unless some one has naturally dark hair,that it doesnt always suit a fairer skinned person.I remember,about 50 years ago I bought a black wig and it was very much a No No for me!I wouldnt want to sit in a hairdressers either.I just cut my own fringe every few weeks and hold my long hair together and cut the dead ends off every couple of months!.Thats my idea of treating my self to a bit of pampering,lol.xx

    1. I used to wear black wigs when I was a teenager. Remember when the fashion was black and white mod style dresses. I had one like a checkerboard.

    2. Yes,I used to love the mod style dresses.I used to wear mine with white platform soled boots and the dresses were always very short!xx

  4. It looks good. It has nice tones. There's no appeal in paying lots of money to sit staring at myself in a mirror making small talk for me. I know some people have been desperate to get back to the hairdressers. Each to their own.

    1. Some people like their head massaged by someone else, I don't. There are hairdressers in my family, I nearly took it up when I left school. Was offered an apprenticeship in a salon where my Aunt worked. Two years seemed a long commitment. I went to work at Woolworths instead.

  5. Love the color and the cut. You did a great job!!

  6. That's a lovely colour Ilona, all ready for the warmer weather ..you have such healthy looking hair 😀😀

  7. it looks nice and natural too, not from a box at all!

  8. Very pretty. I have always colored my own hair except once had it highlighted at a salon and she fried it really bad. Never trusted others again to do what I know I can do well.

  9. 💜🌹
    Blessings llona,
    HOW LOVELY YOU GOT out for a ride and too see your hometown AND catch UPp with YOUR $is

    Beautuful photo's nice cemetery 💜✨🌟


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