Sunday, 18 April 2021

Hope, not hopeless.

 I woke early this morning, the sun is shining. I like to prop myself up in bed with an extra pillow and give myself another half hour to gather the thoughts in my head, before I get up. There are so many thoughts to untangle and I need to make some sense of what I have been reading and watching. 

I think the Government are floundering in a swamp at the moment. They are realising that the tide is turning and the alternative way of thinking is gaining ground. They can no longer push the same old well worn narrative and have to think of new ways to deliver their suffocating messages. 

The science that the Government follows is all about modelling. They import a snippet of information from the experts they employ, then feed it into a computer programme to give them the numbers they are looking for. This is what they have been doing from the start. They have to have something, anything, to base their policies on. As time has gone on, they recall and tweak the numbers to push things forward in the direction that has been created for them. 

The push for PCR testing and now the Lateral Testing, are creating the so called Road Map which the Government say will get us back to normal. This is part of their psychology to control what we can and cannot be allowed to do. The tests are now known to not be accurate, but they keep using it. They need the case numbers to increase the control they have over us. 

As I see it science is not exact. It has to be continually challenged, and questioned. It is always evolving. Many other scientists have come forward, some of them more qualified than those employed by the Government, but their theories are brushed aside because they are not in line with the path the Government has chosen to follow. 

Independent scientists have no ulterior motive. Exact science is not about making things up, manipulating what bit of evidence you have to give the desired result, which fits the plan. It is about searching for the truth. On the other hand those who are working for the Government are part of a much bigger and wider network of businesses and organisations, who are working towards The Great Reset. 

So who is driving things? What is the driving force? For a start, it is money, but then you have to dig deeper to find out what the end goal is. People may think that this all started with a virus, but it began many years before. I will stop now because I am hungry, I need to eat, but there is a lot more to it than most people realise. This period in our lives will evolve. It seems to be going in one direction only, the outcome appears to be inevitable. I like to think there is hope to change that direction. There has to be hope. 

Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I have spent so long now trying to warn people, but to absolutely no avail. A friend is amazed at my 'uncanny' predictions that keep coming true. You don't have to be a great visionary if you already know the end game. I have just been reading the comments in the Daily Mail regarding the peaceful anti-lockdown protest from yesterday. They were, with only a small, heavily-downvoted exception, baying for the protesters to be thrown in prison, water-cannoned, etc. I am elderly and I don't have any children, so why should I care about other peoples' children and grandchildren when they don't care themselves. By the end of this year, it will be all over and it will be too late. At least I can say that I tried.

    1. Keep trying Indi, but step back from it every so often. It does wear you out.

  2. I don't find posts like this very clear to read or to understand. Why does it have to be like it's a cryptic message?

    1. Good question. I have been studying this topic for over a year. My posts are what I have gleaned from information I have found on the internet, and also my own personal interpretation of the situation. I have an enquiring mind. If I think something is important, and could affect how we live our lives, then I want to know about it.

      My aim is to talk about what the main stream media are not talking about. To get people thinking outside the box, so they are not wandering blindly along the road to a black hole. To be forewarned gives you the tools to make constructive decisions for yourself.

      It's all about evolution and where we go next. The story is never ending and will carry on beyond my lifetime. I could do a shortened version, maybe with bullet points, but it would not cover all the complexities of it. If I narrowed it down to ten main points I would be pilloried for talking a load of bunkum. The trolls would have a field day pulling me apart.

      I don't deliberately keep it cryptic. I am trying to choose my words carefully to plant a seed. There are already a lot of people who know what I am talking about because they have done the research themselves. You could do the same.

      I am not particularly clever at anything, except what I learnt from the University of Life. I am not claiming to know everything, but I listen, watch, and form my own conclusions.

  3. Can you put names to the scientists who you say are more qualified than the ones employed by the government.
    Please can you also state which are employed by the government?
    What do you mean by an independent scientist?

    1. I have given lists before. The response I got was people rubbishing them. You can check out my Research 2021 page, link at the top. I have been adding to this since January 1st. There are plenty of links on there of articles which can be clicked on. The links to videos will need to be copied and pasted into your browser.

    2. An independent scientist is someone not being paid by the Government. Go to the Government web site to find out who is on their payroll. (SAGE)

    3. The list doesnt include anyone who is more qualified in their field than the government advisers. As my son (a scientist but not in this field) told me, anyone can write anything on the internet. Trust peer reviewed studies.

      Sage scientists arent on the government payroll, they all have other jobs, you can see they are all associated with universities, where most of the research is done. Often by our most intelligent young people. They work in collaboration with each other.

      The government now have actual raw and real data to work with.

      I applaud your free thinking and questions, however I'm not sure you actually have an understanding of how science works.

    4. Gill, I'm not trying to start something here, nor am I talking about you, but I automatically start worrying when I'm told to "follow the science" with the implication that science never changes. Perhaps it doesn't, but our knowledge of science changes every day. We don't know it all and we probably never will. When I took biology in college 30 years ago--not that long ago in the history of modern medicine--I was taught that once you had a virus, you were absolutely immune to that particular virus for the rest of your life. And that's just one thing I've learned that has changed. I am in the US and I agree that the government now has actual raw and real data to work with, but I have to wonder what they are learning, since they constantly change their minds. If the vaccine was going to solve Covid, why am I still being asked to wear a mask (OR TWO!) when I've had two doses for more than two months, have less than .01% chance of contracting the virus, and about zero chance of giving it to someone else? Why bother to develop and distribute the vaccine if nothing is going to change? I'm one who is tired of dear Dr. Fauci. I actually think, in some perverse way, he is enjoying this!

      Which brings me to this. Cheryl, I can't speak for Ilona, but what I think she is driving at is the belief (which many people have) that world governments are using the virus to put restrictions on their citizens with the hope of turning them into sheep. This idea is thought to be right-wing. I'm somewhere in the middle on this topic, but I definitely think there is some truth to it. I won't blindly follow anyone.

      Ilona, I'm sorry if I'm raising too much rabble here!

    5. Thank you, Mikemax. I am somewhere in the middle as well. In fact we should all be fighting for humanity, fighting the evil together, but we aren't. Those with money and power have plans. They are playing God, they think that they have the answer to save the planet from extinction, but the answer does not come from money. The answer is going back to how we were, but that's another story.

    6. I really dont think, theres anything untoward going on.

      There is a virus, I have seen its effects first hand.

      I really dont think every government in the world would act like they are if there wasn't something to be concerned about.

      As for follow the science, then that's what I do feel the government should do. Unfortunately I think in the past, the government has picked and chosen which bits it wants to follow.

      I think we should return to this in a years time, to see what life is like then.

    7. I'll see you back here in a year, Gill.

  4. I'm amazed people don't question what is going on more. No matter how many lies are exposed, most people still take the government advice as fact.

  5. Good morning, good afternoon. I have recently been watching you tube lectures by victor david Hansen. You might look for his writings or video, he is a scholar commenting on our current culture and historical precedents, very interesting and thought provoking.

  6. Ilona, I've been reading you for years, but not commenting. Thank you for this post today. For your other readers (as an example), in the U.S. in 2020, during the 1st extension of the 1st lockdown, we were told that based on modeling, with mitigation we could reduce the U.S. death rate to about a million by the end of April (of last year) versus as much as 2.5 million deaths without mitigation. We were warned by no less than the U.S. Surgeon General that it would still be the worst time in living memory. To stay home. To self isolate. Our death rate never came anywhere close to a million that month. Emergency care centers that had been constructed, including a 900+ bed ICU site at a local university sports center, never had a single virus patient. We were told mitigation had flattened the curve and models were reworked. Then we had a very angry summer in America, with an explosion of protesting (which I always felt had more to do with enforced isolation and surge in unemployment than anything else). Modeling apparently showed outdoor activity wouldn't create spread, unless it was groups on the beach, in parks, etc. When the cases rate went up, models were reworked. Lockdowns ensued.

    For those who would blame top levels of Federal government for poor handling, it's important to note that in America, states have a significant, constitutional level of autonomy. Which is why several states are now fully reopened with mask mandates dropped, while others aren't. It's best to go to state and county health department websites for actual recorded numbers, rather than relying on news reports. I've got family in fully open states and watch their numbers as well as those where I live, which is still heavily restricted. It's good to look at those actual numbers and compare. Now they include numbers of vaccines given; they've always included hospital, ICU and death rates by age group, city by city. When you've been following all actual numbers for a year, as I have, and follow actual Medical Journal articles rather than mainstream journalism, a very different picture appears. A perplexing one. It is troubling.

  7. I understand exactly what you are saying in this post. Let us hope that they don't get their agenda met in the end. x

    1. Thank you Alana. I truly hope that it will not happen, but I have my doubts, that's why I keep bringing it up. We are sleepwalking into a nightmare world which will be nothing like what we know now.

  8. 'llona YOU are correct it's too control everyone AND HAVE us all like sheep,programmed like robots really that's a BETTER word , i do NOT want a cashless society, I can SEE li,e yourself the outcome of all of this AND it won't be very pleasant, I'm Levi one of YOUR YouTube subscriber,the one with the red car ๐Ÿ˜Šit's my second time commenting on YOUR blog,, Google changed it's setting AND allowed me to comment from know on YOUR blog,

  9. From the very beginning of this entire farce, my daughter and I both said that the "pandemic" was being used as a test - to see just how far they (the government/those behind the scenes) could push people. Turns out, brainwashing the population with a constant barrage of fear messages from the media worked VERY well to make them do what they wanted. The unnecessary lockdowns for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate have destroyed the America that I once knew. I live in a state with a sensible governor (Ron DeSantis), and I am thankful every single day! Yes, people got the virus - I personally know six people that had it: one with severe asthma, one with a heart condition, one who is 91 years old, and the others were ages 55-60. They all survived. None had ANY long-term issues. They are healthy and thriving today.
    In addition, I have a friend who is a Registered Nurse, and our hospital here was so underwhelmed, that medical staff were being laid off, or having their hours drastically reduced. Elective surgeries were canceled because of the "pandemic" (including mine), and there simply were not enough patients to keep the hospital staff at full capacity.
    I am appalled at the willingness of the sheeple to cower in their homes and simply stop living their lives.

    1. Kathy, you make some very valid points. Thank you.

      They are now pushing long Covid, to keep up the fear. Yes, some people will take a bit longer to recover, but to keep things in tidy bundles every symptom which appears now will be put down to Covid. Just like they marked a lot of death certificates with the 'died from covid' words.

  10. People are not sheep, but when you are threatened with huge fines that you cannot afford it is difficult to not do as you are told. If you don't wear a mask to the supermarket you will not be allowed in. A lot of people are complying with the rules, not because they believe everything they are told but because it is very difficult not to.

    1. Hi Debbie. You cannot be refused entry to a store for not wearing a mask (sorry, not sure where you are from, the rules might be different where you are) but in the UK you can claim exemption, and this is also stated on the government website, the rules have not changed on there and have been the same since day 1:

      You'll need to scroll down a bit, but under the exemption section, it tells you when you do not need to wear one, and then underneath that, there is another section about exemption cards. Worth a read. Anyone who refuses you entry to a store is breaking the law. Vote with your wallet and shop elsewhere.

    2. Debbie, I understand what you are saying, it does feel like you have to comply. Does that remind you of another time in history when people willingly walked into a gas chamber because they thought they were taking a shower. This is exactly what is happening now. People will do what they are told when they have been bombarded with fear tactics.

      Alex is right. Here in the UK you can self exempt from wearing a mask. I tried a mask once, that was enough, now I have a lanyard around my neck and will show it if asked. Not that it is anybody's business. My health is my concern. If anybody challenges me, which they never have by the way, I will flash the lanyard and walk away. No need to get into any conversations. If a shop won't let you in without a mask, then go somewhere else. While people are complying they will keep tightening their grip on you.

    3. I'm a little concerned that you compare walking into a gas chamber to our current situation. There really isnt a comparison there.

    4. I think there is, Gill, and so do many other people.

    5. Gill,
      I think Ilona is right. People are so busy going along to get along, that they don't see the potential danger coming. It's a matter of WHEN, not IF in my opinion.
      Patti in California

    6. My teenage son hates wearing the masks and so he has just stopped and no one on public transport has questioned him or at college either. I know it’s scarey to be confronted by a supermarket security guard but I have tried it recently too and I have got an issue with my nose and no one asks. Maybe they did at the start but it seems people don’t care much anymore maybe because the evidence of a huge deadly pandemic has failed to materialise and people are tired. Yes I am sympathetic to those who have died with covid but I think people should really start questioning the difference between “of covid” and “with covid” and demanding autopsies to prove what really killed them as apparently these aren’t being done much in these times either.

  11. I have deleted the abusive, the mocking, and downright rude comments.

  12. Oh, Ilona, this whole virus thing makes me angry. I believed it at first but as as the weeks and months went on it became so bizarre it was like living in some crazy, dystopian fantasy film. The world they show us on tele and other media outlets is not the same world that's outside my front door. Even people who were hard-core virus believers are now shaking their heads and saying 'enough is enough'.
    The people who trust the government and attack those who don't, are the ones who are allowing this madness to continue. I only hope that they somehow come to their senses before it's too late. Xx

  13. @Eliza: Yes, and another very worrying thing is that the 'Opposition' party in UK politics is supposed to be there as a check on government power. They are supposed to doggedly question government policy, to make sure all decisions are in the best interest of the country and its citizens. I don't see any of that happening.

  14. I work in an office at a hospital. I am asthmatic. I don't have to wear a mask but still have to wear a face shield. Lanyards are not accepted by the hospital. I need my job and enjoy it, so opting out is not an option for me.

  15. I think that there are both physical and spiritual forces at work in our lives. Therefore we need to seek the wisdom & knowledge to be able to discern what is going on around us. This means that we should not be blindly-led by anyone or anything, but question what we read or are told.


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