Thursday, 8 April 2021

Truth or fantasy - a fine line.

 Good morning. This little plaque has been following me around for about 50 years. I can't remember when and where I bought it, probably a sea front gift shop when I lived in Blackpool. I thought it was rather amusing at the time, still do. I've kissed one or two  Princes over the years, and a heck of a lot of frogs, so at least I won't die wondering what I have missed.  

A thought just occurred to me. The reason that the Government are screaming at us to stay at home, limiting the amount of people that can mix, wear masks, stay two metre's apart and no touching, is because they don't want us chatting each other up. 

Snogging is definitely banned, oh no, none of that malarky. It might lead to all kinds of naughty liaisons, like a quick shag behind the bike sheds, or in an alleyway at the back of the Dog and Duck. God forbid, girls might actually give birth nine months later. Can't be having that when we are trying to shrink the population. We need to get this enshrined in law. No snogging. 

I note that the Government have laid plans to continue their control of how singles can meet new friends and possible future partners. All venues will be given QR posters. Business owners will be legally required to display these posters. Every member of a group must check in with their phone, or provide contact details. 

To carry out this complex operation everyone will need to test themselves twice a week using the free kits that will be sent in the post to anyone who requests them. If a person has been at an event on the same day as someone who has since tested positive, they will receive an alert to book a PCR test whether they are showing symptoms or not. I think we can safely say that if this all goes ahead we can say goodbye to the human race. 

I have a vision of the future. Sex between a male and female will not be allowed. Sperm banks will be set up, the only way to procreate will be by artificial insemination. Women will look through a catalogue, pick out the donor which meets their criteria. Looks and intelligence are key factors when considering a suitable mate. 

On the other hand. . . . . Another article states that Britain will pass the threshold for herd immunity on MONDAY. Modelling by the University College London suggests that 73.4 per cent of the population will have protection from Covid by April 12th. That's good news isn't it. Does that mean we can ignore all these measures to control us. I doubt it. Like the World Economic Forum said, the virus has given us a window of opportunity. They aren't going to let it go that easily. 

Doggy walk later, delivering filing cabinets to someone in the village. Sorting out who is going to have what from the freebies I am giving away. Three people want the same item. Want these things gone by mid afternoon. Sun is coming out.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Ilona when I read about the terrible things some parents have done to their children I am really leaning towards the idea that people have to be licensed to have children! So much cruelty these days and it seems to be on the increase.

    1. Yes it's bad. Parents passing their fear onto their children. Even little ones made to wear a mask.

  2. You've hit the nail on the head there Ilona. If you havent seen the film 'Demolition Man' I'd definitely recommend it - it shows exactly the world you describe, a horrific dystopia.
    I doubt people would even be able to choose whether they can procreate or not - I think eventually the government will be the only ones who say you are allowed to breed, and that will be based on your social credit score and the like.
    So disappointing at the moment to see so many parents forcing their children to wear masks and do tests even though the government themselves have said it isn't mandatory. It seems like some people are not capable of seeing past the TV and I'd say these people certainly should have never had children in the first place.

    First time commenting but long time reader and completely agree with your point of view on this whole plandemic.

    1. I haven't seen that film. I can't understand why parents are not challenging the schools, but blindly going along with it.

      Thank you for your comment, it makes a nice change when someone has seen what is really going on. Better than the troll comments I get, which are immediately deleted.

  3. Hi llona l have got to a stage where I don't know what to think anymore. I really like your take on life and wish I was more like you. You know your own mind and that is to be admired. I didn't want the Covid-19 jab but bowed to peer pressure from friends saying that it was safe. l felt so poorly after it and now it turns out that you can now get a possible blood clot l know they say it is rare but l am scared so l'm thinking of not getting my second jab. There is far too much government control going on and l have decided l know what is best for me and will act accordingly doing my own thing. Thanks llona l love your blog you say things as they are and it is so refreshing 😊 take care and stay safe x

    1. Hello Lee Lee. There are thousands of other people in your situation, you are not alone. The confusing rules coming out of the Government are designed to break a persons spirit. While they dress it up to look as if they care about your health, they are all the time thinking of ways to get everyone jabbed. It's about control, it's about changing the way we live. In the meantime the rich get richer and the poor become destitute.

      Did you know that there are other ways to treat the virus, other than the jab. Ivermectin has shown to be very useful in saving lives, yet it has been banned all over the world. It is a cheap drug made in India. Governments are suppressing it's use, which leaves the way clear for an expensive global experiment.

      All the reactions to the Covid jab which are now being reported, are the tip of the iceberg. Because it is experimental they don't know what will happen in six months, one year, or longer.

      The NHS and Government are supposed to make sure that you know all the possible consequences of taking the jab. It's called informed choice. They are rushing it through hoping that people will not look too deeply into it.

      Government control will only end when people fight back. There are lawyers fighting the illegal legislation. There are many calling for more Nuremberg trials. People want to see BJ and crew locked up for crimes against humanity.

      Read read read all you can about it. Take control of your own body. Make your own decisions, and accept responsibility for those decisions.

      I am not trying to coerce you into anything, everyone makes mistakes, but the mistakes must be your choice, not someone else's. Ditch the main stream media, stop watching television news, don't buy a national newspaper. Use your keyboard to search.

      I wish you well, thank you for your comment.

  4. Bless you thank you llona you make so much sense 😊 x

  5. I don't know anyone, as far as I know, that has not rushed out at the earliest opportunity to get this experimental 'jab'. Some because they believed that they would be able to go on holiday or it would give them freedom. Others were convinced that, without it, they would catch covid and die. It's the second group that my heart breaks for. Nothing that I say makes any difference. In fact, they get quite defensive and angry. It's almost like a religion. The daily brainwashing worked. I feel very lonely in all this, but I try and remain strong. I am very afraid of the experimental 'jab's' effect. I think it will weaken the immune system (that is just my gut feeling). I dread to think what will happen when the flu season comes round. I think that everyone should do their own research and follow their own gut feeling. I think that we all have an inbuilt 'alarm system', but fear turns it off. We have been bombarded with fear on a daily basis and fed conflcting and confusing messages constantly, which makes it hard to hear our quiet inner voice.

    1. Hi. I don't know anyone in real life that I can talk to about this. I try and broach the subject but a glazed look comes into their eyes. It's like I am talking in a foreign language, and they switch off.

      Researching helps me, knowing that there are people who do understand.

  6. I find it very difficult to put faith in so much information that's being touted by different health agencies. Here in the US the CDC has released a statement that the idea of getting the virus by touching such things as packages delivered in the mail or groceries is incorrect. So all the grocery washing was for naught. I remember that they actually disseminated reports of how long the virus could survive on paper as opposed to plastic - minutes as opposed to days. They have flip-flopped on information before, so who knows what their next big discovery will be?
    I absolutely feel that there is social-engineering occurring in the guise of "public safety". The public is so much easier to control when they are afraid, dependent and uneducated.

    1. Hi. Your last paragraph says it all. It's about control.

    2. Lizaellen: I wrote myself a note early last year, which I keep on my desk as a constant reminder. It says 'Don't be afraid. Fear makes you susceptible to control'.

  7. Be very cautious about getting the PRC test as well. This is the root of the whole thing, and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (one of Germany/US's most experienced attorneys) is suing in conjunction with other attorneys worldwide based on the fact that the PRC test (as noted by its inventor) cannot accurately test for infection and will provide for a 95+% rate of FALSE POSITIVE. Research this yourself. Bottom line is that we have a PRC "positive" pandemic out there, very little (if any!) likelihood of passing on disease without symptoms. But they are getting your DNA with PRC test and who knows what is being put up your nasal passages. Be cautious and research thoroughly.


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