Sunday, 14 November 2021

Toodle pip

Sunny > Flask > Sandwich > Fig rolls > Going.
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Great taste in of my favs! Arilx

  2. Thats a sight that I love when my backpack is stood on the kitchen unit ready to be filled with a few goodies.And I think...sod the housework,lol.xx

  3. Can I ask you something? Are you still without a smartphone? I am, but it is not so easy with swish and everything, people do not have money any longer.

    1. I won't have a smart phone, they are the devils own gadget. They are a mechanism to control the world. Big Tech have managed to get them into almost everyone's lives with the sole intention of controlling them.

      In the UK we can still pay for most things with cash. I use cash or cheque. If a shop takes card only I walk out and shop elsewhere.

      People need to use cash as often as they can. It is important.

    2. Thank you for your answer.I try to use cash but here in Sweden they force us into use smartphones, its going to far. Before you could choose if you wanted a phone and it lasted for years. Today everything is easily broken and you have to buy new expensive things. I want to decide by myself if I want to buy something or not, but it is difficult in Sweden because the state force you with technical obstacles and make it hard for you not to buy a smartphone.It makes me stubborn and rebellious not to have a choice.

  4. I use cash as much as possible. It makes it easier to budget, for one thing, but it also means my spending can't be tracked, which is why the Government hates it. Long live cash!

    Amanda, Sussex


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