Friday, 12 November 2021

Well blow me down.

This was my lunch today. Mushrooms, spiralised carrot and courgette, lentils, and an egg. There was rather too much here, but I scoffed it anyway. Now it's half past six and I am still not hungry. I will delay my dinner for another half an hour, it will be something light. 
The weather was miserable this morning so I kept myself busy in the house. I've got enough of the duvet left over to make three pet beds. I cut a curtain up for two of the covers, and found a piece of fabric in the stash box for the third. 

I am eating my way through a massive bag of apples given to me in the summer. I have wrapped them in newspaper and get them out a few at a time and cook them. Today I peeled and cut five of them up and simmered them for a few minutes in a pan. This will be added to porridge or bran flakes for my breakfast. 

After lunch I made the quick decision to go out. It was very windy. 

I did my usual six mile walk. On the way back I passed the bench, it's next to the tree just there. I didn't stop, the light was fading, and the wind was blowing harder. 
These feather dusters are across the other side of a field. I have often wanted to get up close to them, but walking across the middle of the field is not allowed, and neither is walking around the edge because it isn't a recognise foot path. A zoom in with the camera is all I am going to get. 

Almost back into the village and I was getting weary battling against a head wind. Not a good sunset tonight. 
Well that certainly blew the cobwebs off me. Not all the walks are under a blue sky and sunshine. It takes a bit more effort to get up and go out when the weather is challenging.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I love how you still wear the sun visor that you recycled,many years ago!Your lunch looks great and you have given me many ideas,over the years,by adding pasta to food.As always your photos are lovely!xx

  2. Not seen those plants before. Very unusual!


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