Sunday, 5 December 2021

Christine Anderson

Listen to Christine. She is one of the good guys. 

Here is a link to a new video where she speaks out in support of the people of Australia. 
I am off out for a couple of hours. Have a nice Sunday.   ilona


  1. In Singapore if a person is admitted to hospital with covid and hasnt been vaccinated, they have to pay for their own treatment.

    How would you feel about that being introduced in the UK

    1. Absolutely long as I no longer have to pay tax for a healthcare system I don't have access to..

  2. A very powerful speech: she summed it up in under 3 minutes. Thank you for posting this. Amanda

  3. Although knowing I am not alone I can feel so alone......

    1. That is the way they want you to feel. Do you have a 'Stand in the Park' near you?

    2. Hello Indigo. There is a Stand in the Park at Scunthorpe. I have been a few times.

    3. Jeanneke. It does feel as if the whole world is against us at times. It's a very lonely place to be. Please be aware that more people are waking up. The protest marches are growing in numbers, of people attending, and the amount of towns and cities taking part. Good and honest people are speaking out. No matter how often the other side try and rubbish us, we know we are on the right track. Hold the line, Jeanneke.

  4. But thank you Ilona for this powerful speech!

  5. TBH Gill, I think there are a huge number of people in this country who would not want to go near an NHS hospital regardless of what they were suffering from, and regardless of how much money they had paid into the NHS in contributions during their working life.

    1. I tend to agree with you Helen. If I fall ill the last place I would want to be is in a hospital.

    2. Agree 100% - Judging on person experience and the experiences of people I care about, you really are better off anywhere else than hospital.

  6. More Doctors and nurses are speaking out now. Saying what many of us already know, and what a lot more refuse to acknowledge.

  7. I am thankful you shared the video, Ilona! People have died after they had the jab. Many people who had the virus lived through it. Federal people in US have changed the mandate about vaccines for people in jobs. Hopefully the mask mandate will go away as well. Masks/face coverings do not help stop the virus at all! It says so on all the products purchased! Obviously governors in states do not believe it. Some doctors don't either! We will make it through this time in life. Have a good week!

    1. I am hoping for a good outcome and we can carry on our lives as we would like to do. But at this moment in time it seems doubtful. Every day brings another barrage of bullying. Every day they are nudging us towards forcibly jabbing. It's like being part of a horror movie. I try and stay optimistic, I hope enough people will wake up and see it for what it really is. Thank you for your comment.


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