Sunday, 17 April 2022

A look at Retford

I walked from the Cemetery to the town centre. The market had closed and the Council workers were taking down the stalls. I remember the Market Square, from my first lorry driving job. This was my area delivering for Nestle. I also made a stop here when I was on a long walk. I arrived at lunchtime and decided to call it a day. The lady in the Tourist Information found me a B & B. I went there and dropped my rucksack off then had a meander around the town.  
The Town Hall, with the market stalls spoiling a nice picture. 

The Police Station. 
Lovely flower display around the War Memorial. 

St Swithuns is a fabulous church in the centre of Retford. 
Come and have a look inside with me. 
I didn't have long in Retford. I set off back, out of the town on the A620. About half a mile down the road I turned off right and followed a footpath to Babworth. This is the church there. 
I joined a wide track, passed a wood, and joined the canal back to Ranby. The walk was 10 miles as checked on You can see on the map that I have done a few walks in this area now. 
I've had a nice day today. Started a new crafty project, and did a five mile local walk. 

Memories. It's Truck Racing at Brands Hatch this weekend. I went to this event in 1985, soon after I started the Lady Truckers Club. In 1986 I made it the first official meet up place for our members. It was great to meet the ladies in person.
That's all for now. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now.

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