Monday, 25 April 2022

Believe in yourself.

 The Great Reset is a phrase often searched for when looking for information on, The Great Reset. It is also a great marketing tool for those who are selling a service or product. Searches may drive potential customers to their channel, so using words that the algorithms pick up is a good move. 

I clicked on one this morning, which caught my eye. I was browsing to see what new yoootooobers I could take a look at. The title of the video is, The COMING Great Reset Shift. Worth a look I thought. The lady spoke with passion so I listened a bit more. She said Are you ready for the coming Great Reset shift? Learn about it and how amazing it can be for you. 

Ok, I am listening. Basically her message was, (my interpretation), you can't change what is happening, but you can change how you deal with it. You can't change other people's perception of it, but you can change your own. 

I can agree with that to a certain extent, but it does seem to be a bit of a cop out. Change happens very slowly, and to let things go over your head when you know they are wrong, in my opinion is cutting yourself off from reality.

The lady has several links to her other platforms. The usual, instagram and facebook. Her own web site has merchandise for sale, and offers a monthly newsletter for those who become members of her site. $29.99 a month. Other benefits are powerful spiritual teachings to help you to step into your quantum power. 

If you go into her store there are various products available. You can buy extra master classes. There is one called Break Through Fear ecourse, for $328. 

There will be a lot of people struggling to understand the current situation, and will think the answers they are looking for can be accessed by paying large amounts of money to Life Coachers, or influencers. Please think twice if you are tempted by this route. You can't chase away fear by emptying your bank account to pay for these courses. Fear comes from within you, and has to be tackled by your own internal desire to overcome it. Read as much as you can from many sources. You will know what is meaningful to you, and what is not. 

Make contact with like minded people. Gather your own support group of friends and family around you. Stick with the people you feel comfortable with. You can't pay someone to be your friend. They might seem all lovedovey, but they are running a business. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. 

Thanks for popping in. I have a video uploading from yesterday, so will be getting on with other things while that is happening. Toodle pip   ilona 


  1. "Read as much as you can from many sources"
    Very wise advice in these troubled times, and certainly don't restrict your information sources to just the MSM and Google. There is a whole world of information beyond what they will easily let you see.

    1. It's not as if information is always hidden. The censors are having a field day with deleting and banning people who dare to think differently and ask questions. There is still a lot getting through on official sites. I see Elon Musk has put in a bit for Twitter, and it has been accepted. He believes in free speech so lets see if anything changes.

  2. Very good advice, thank you. Worrying that the lady says you should change your perception of things, even though these things might be wrong. No doubt she will make a lot of money from people who believe this nonsense.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. The message I got from her was don't bother to explain things to others, just carry on with your own happy life. The current situation should be on everyone's agenda because it is going to affect us all.

  3. Lots of things online are just a con. Free fortune telling, spirit guides, mental health help not from a recognised charity etc. I despise these adverts that prey on people's insecurities and health problems. Anyone can set up an online business and make a lot of money selling junk.

    1. It's sad that so many people are too trusting. New businesses are being set up on the back of whatever is the latest so called disaster.

  4. I think that we all need to gain as much information as we can and research, reflect and make our own minds up. I have my own opinions about 'jabs','non-cash', and possible food shortages. My advice to anyone who wishes to explore this further is to seek out some very good sites on yootuube such as Ice Age Farmer; We Got a problem; and Hugo Talks. The main thing is to be prepared for eventualities - I am urging friends and neighbours to not stock frozen foods due to possible electricity cuts; buy tinned and
    food in packets i.e rice, pasta meals etc.

    1. I am buying a few extra packets and tins, and looking for long dated food, two or three years. Probably a good idea to get some extra pet food in as well.

      I like the new way of viewing yoootooob videos. Hover your mouse (I still have a mouse) over them, the screen enlarges slightly and the video starts. There is no sound but it has subtitles. Sometimes I prefer reading rather than listening to the words.

  5. Yes Ilona, I think 'believe in yourself' is good advice. I would add to it, 'always trust your instincts', especially when others are trying to persuade or bully you into doing what they think you should do. People who, I might add, have usually done zero research. Sometimes they need to be avoided in future. Sad, but true.

    I know it's in the wrong place but after an internet search, I think it's Wakefield :)

    H x

  6. Good advice Ilona. Like minded friends and family kept me sane for the last few years.
    The planned food shortages may be very serious, so please stock up. The shortages could extend to non-food items as well, so if there is something you truly need (medicine for example) get some extra.
    I think it is also a good idea to “war game” the scenarios that you might find most distressing.
    Decide now how you will handle those situations while you have a clear head.
    Y’all take care.
    Patti in California

    1. I have a few friends who I know I can talk to, they are clued up, and I know people who I most definitely can't talk to. They are sleepwalking through it.

  7. Ilona! The Alux YouTube channel has an interesting explanation about the so-called Great Reset.

    1. I had a look at one of their videos, The World Has Changed - here are the new rules. Fast talking female with an American accent. Background dramatic music, which I find very annoying. And when she used the word Metaverse I knew which way this was going. This is a promotional video pushing everyone in the direction of The Great Reset. Their aim is to sell sell sell. Links to products and services. I won't be watching any more.


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