Thursday 19 May 2022

Got rid of some dosh

That was an expensive shopping trip. Just for a change I went to Marks and Sparks to check out their prices, and maybe get a treat or two. A little of what you fancy does you good, so the saying goes. Here is a run down of what I got. Twelve items for £22.59. OUCH!.
Fresh Tagliatelle £1.80
Avocado twin pack £2.00
Courgettes £1.30
Lemon loaf cake £2.25
6 mixed size eggs £1.00
Italian Pasta Salad £2.40
Onion Houmous reduced 79p
Creamy Mushrooms £2.80
Cheese crisps £1.50
Potato Salad £1.00
Quiche £2.00
Spag Mushroom Bolognese £3.75
I don't know why I bothered really. A lot of these things I get from Aldi anyway, and they are far cheaper there. I have had half of the creamy mushrooms on a slice of toast for tea. It was like chewing rubber. Home cooked fresh mushrooms are a lot nicer. 

There was a lot of ready prepared food in the fridges, supposedly for people who don't know how to cook or can't be bothered. I would expect M & S food to be a lot better quality given the cost of it. I thought I might find something different or special. It's a shop for posh folk. Aldi food is just as good.  

I spent £108 in Home Bargains on mainly cat food, and a few other things. That will last about eight weeks. I needed some more paint brushes, and some wild bird food, and a bottle of shampoo, and some dog treats, and I got Billy a plush soft toy. He loves playing with them and after a few washes they fall to bits because he tosses them around so much. 

I put £50's worth of petrol in the car so it is ready for my next trip. A grand total of £181 spent. All paid with cash.  

Thanks for popping in. Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Becky from Toronto19 May 2022 at 23:22

    Not only terribly expensive but look at Al, that plastic packaging!

    1. I am pleased to announce that Aldi have replaced their plastic inner packaging on custard tarts, with a cardboard tray.

  2. M&s how posh ilona-πŸ‘’πŸŽ©..πŸ˜† I seen your birthday video on YouTube from your friend "carol" something's are nice from Mark's and Spencer. The chocolate "eclairs" are very goodπŸ˜‹.. "meanqueen" you deserve
    a TreatπŸ’―
    ...with love...........
    Levi XX πŸ‘❤

    1. I remember spending a birthday voucher in there, and ended up with all yellow stickers. Ha ha.

  3. It would be interesting to work out what the comparable foodstuffs would have cost you at Aldi, Ilona.

    1. I will make a list and get the same items when I next go to Aldi.

  4. Well done, stick with the cash. In my local Co-op (no big supermarkets within an hour's drive) there's now only one till if you want to pay by cash! Best, Karen

    1. If I was in your shop I would queue behind others to use that till. I also refuse to go to the scan it yourself checkouts. I waited to go to a person till at Asda recently and was steered towards self serve. I said, I don't do that. The woman said she would scan them for me. I let her and stood back while she did it, then handed her the money. So she ended up serving me anyway.

    2. Oh yes I do. It doesn't matter how long the queue is or how much sighing the cashier does.

    3. Another who prefers human cashiers! I'll use self-check if I just have two or three small items (and the machine accepts cash), but I have a torn rotator cuff that makes a lot of motions difficult to impossible. :-( A royal pajn in the backside. Ermmm, make that the shoulder and arm! πŸ™ƒ

      ...Taja 🏜️

  5. Becky from Toronto20 May 2022 at 20:03

    Curious, why don’t you self scan? If there isn’t a line in the self serve I far prefer that as it is so much quicker if I don’t have much. I hate standing in line. Life is too short.

    1. Getting customers to self scan means that people will lose their jobs, and shops will cut down on staff, so there will be no new jobs available. I am a person, not a robot. The supermarket doesn't pay me to work for them. I am a customer, I expect to be treated with respect.

    2. Becky from Toronto21 May 2022 at 08:07

      Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. It just goes to show we are all different. I too am a person and think the self scan treats me with respect as I can get out of the supermarket faster. I don’t particularly like supermarket shopping and the less time in there the better. I also love the convenience of not having to have cash….I can pay with my watch which works for me.

      Have a great day

    3. One day you might have to pay for everything with your watch, when it all goes digital. There will be no cash.

    4. Becky from Toronto22 May 2022 at 19:22

      That will be absolutely fine by me. Am trying to think when I last used cash, it was Christmas to give some Christmas money to the postie, garbage men etc. I pay for pretty much everything through watch or direct debits. I also like the frequent flyer miles I get from my credit card…though it is a while since I have used any because of COVID.


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