Wednesday, 13 July 2022


 Which one of these would you like as your Prime Minister. What a disgusting embarrassment this lot are. I don't hold out any hope for someone decent to take over the reigns. 



  1. It's amusing to me! Much lighter than the stuff going on in the States, but embarrassing I'm sure.

    1. They remind me of a bunch of primates at the zoo. When a bunch of so called leaders lose control of their emotions like that, what chance have we got of an organised and stable life. Respect has to be earned.

  2. Ilona your deserving of every penny of your pension.all those years of your time and hard work you did you just got on and did it back then.this will make you giggle my mum 75 tried to give back her pension recently she said the two hundred pounds was too much haha the pension people said that is how much she is entitled to lol.i am pleased you are enjoying the days of your retirement so much and long may you continued Jo Dorset🌈

    1. Thank you Jo. I got to the point I am at now through careful planning of my income and expenditure. Like your mum, I know how much I can comfortably live on. Anything in excess of that figure is a waste. This is why I say I don't need to make things to sell. Another aspect of simple living is to tread lightly on this world. The spendthrift ways of the western world will be it's downfall. Happiness comes from within, not from surrounding oneself with the latest this and that.
