Friday 12 August 2022

Reply to a comment

 Good morning. I wrote this reply to a subscriber on my yoootooob channel. I will copy and paste it here. Another video is uploading, so this will keep you amused until it arrives. 

Hello. Working out annual expenses is not something I do. I don't get obsessed by numbers, they are just numbers, and mean very little to me. I know approximately how much I pay out for the various things I need. I have an annual income of £10,500. That is enough for me. I have no mortgage or rent. I am not poor. People on the whole are not very good at prioritising what they need to pay for, and knowing the difference between a want and a need. Everyone's preferences are different. What they see as normal spending will not be the same for others. My priorities are my utilities, food, cats, and car. I paid £210 to the vet over the last couple of days for Mayze's illness. I put money away for this, it is priority. I pay whatever it is to put petrol in my car, that is priority. My freedom to move about is priority. I am careful with my gas, electricity, and food. Yes prices are going up but I have to eat, and so do the cats, to stay alive. Now I am getting a bit older I need some heat in the house when it is cold, but there is the other option of wearing more clothes. How do I manage to keep my gas and electric bills down? I don't include water in that because the amount is so low. I pay for water twice a year, it is cheap. It is a lot easier to monitor consumption when there is only one person in the house. I don't have to nag anyone to turn off the heating or switch off a light when there is no one in the room. I know that every time I switch something on it is going to cost me. Some people say smart meters can help with monitoring usage. I don't need one of those. My mum taught me to live within my means. She showed me an empty purse when I asked for something, and said, no, I haven't got enough money. We accepted that. Parents these days are far too soft with giving in to their kids. I understand that, because there is a lot of pressure to keep up with the latest this and that, and follow the crowd. This is how everyone is being programmed and will fall into the debt cycle, and never get out of it. Maintaining independence means having a very strong resolve that you will beat the system. Sadly there are many who are weak and cannot function without the cushion of friends and a social life. Humans are herd animals, they gravitate towards each other and look for acceptance and support from each other. There has been a massive show of evidence of this over the last two and half years. Cover your face, get tested, get jabbed. Not because it's the best course of action for you, but because you have to do it for everybody else. People are now primed, and the new crisis is global warming, which is following on with the cost of living crisis. Next will be food shortages, already happening, and digital currency, and social credit passports. Can you see where this is leading? To survive, stop following everyone else. Work things out for yourself. Ignore what other people are doing. If someone else wants to eat out every night, fill themselves with junk food, and trash their health, it is up to them. Everyone has an obligation to look after themselves, make their own decisions, and accept the consequences if something is not working for them. We are all capable of making mistakes, we can fall off the wagon, but it is essential to learn from it, get back on again and try harder next time. I wish you well.

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. Yes! I completely agree. Budgeting in the true sense of the word, is getting to be a lost art. These are tough times for many and people need to learn and practice these skills. Cheers, Karen

    1. People can't budget because they are not spending cash. Use the plastic and you can have anything you want. Kids see their parents getting a card out in a shop, they think that's normal.

  2. As someone who’s never followed the herd I certainly enjoyed reading this. I’ve always prioritised needs over wants and have saved money by buying from charity shops, getting items for free and foraging. I’ve never bought the latest fashions and the gadgets I have are ancient. My lifestyle paid dividends when I was able to reduce my hours at work and finally give up a job in the NHS I hated and take a lower paid and less stressful part time job. I have a nice lifestyle whilst those who went for the bigger house and fancy car are still toiling away full time. If I needed to I could stop working altogether which might be a possibility depending on the next stage of the plandemic.

    1. I think the best possible life you can have is the one you plan for yourself. That way if things go wrong you can't blame anyone else. I have gone along with other people's plans just to please them. This only causes resentment. I have had meals out with friends, or gone to a disco, and walked out when I have had enough. I just leave.

  3. Very well put. Most people cannot think for themselves they think something or someone is coming to save them. And i amazed how many still concern themselves with the neighbours and what is doing whatv and the news man on tv or whatever media person they follow. No wonder we see miserable masked up confused going around and waiting the next vacccine or 2 yearly or what ever crap they are putting out. Sadly some family members have fallen for this and my friends have gotton smaller. I am ok with it as i cannot listen to untruths and people talking and believing lies and crap. Linda from Dublin.

    1. As long as you are happy with your decisions.

  4. Wise words l wish l had learnt all this when l was younger

  5. love it. just find your blog. will readit all the way to prev post. thanks for sharing...

    1. There are 5,097 posts in this blog, that's a lot of reading. I hope you find it helpful.

  6. I haven't read your blog for a bit. Excellent post!! Hope Mayze improves daily. Take care of yourself. Your blog really does help people. Sincerely Bun

    1. Mayze has just enjoyed a portion of freshly cooked chicken, as a reward for letting me put a tablet in her mouth. She loved the chicken.

  7. You really have something to say. Read about how you think about different things, is food for thought and what I appreciate the most with your blog.

    1. I am becoming more tolerant as I get older. I was a headstrong teenager. When I was well into my twenties I was determined to make my own way in life, and knew I had choices. My mother was a practical woman and didn't stand any nonsense from us kids. We ate what we were given. Don't like it, tough, there is nothing else.

  8. No one needs a cat, or indeed any pet.

    1. I disagree with that. When I moved into my house I was with a boyfriend who promised he was going to move in with me. We were going to be a couple. I made the commitment but he didn't keep his word. Thank goodness I paid for the house. He let me down, and I was upset. I had to tell him to leave. My friend knew of a kitten that was not being cared for by it's owner. She persuaded her to give him up, my friend brought the kitten here in a box. When I saw that sweet little face looking up at me I melted. All the sadness I was harbouring gradually disappeared. This little fella needed me, and I needed him. That was Bugsy. He was here for 20 years.

      The love of a pet is just as important as the love of another human. They ask for nothing in return, only food and shelter, and maybe a vet visit now and again.

      Pets can save lives. Someone can be in the depths of despair and the one thing that can pull them out of it can be the love of a beloved pet.

    2. I agree that pets can be life saving and life changing. I was in a very difficult relationship many years ago and my dog at the time was the one thing that kept me going.

    3. I disagree. You don't need a cat like you need food, water and shelter. Unless you're saying you plan to eat your cat?? To me the 'needs' are things you need to live. You don't need a pet hamster to live.

    4. That really is none of your bussines and a nasty comment.

    5. Carl is a troll. His/her intention is to cause conflict.

    6. Yeah call me a troll this is a sign you know you've lost the argument. Having a pet isn't going to be much help to someone when they're in debt and can't pay the gas bill is it? Just because you decided to get a cat when you got dumped doesn't change that fact.

    7. I never lose an argument because I am not arguing, and I know I am right. I didn't get dumped, I dumped him. You are a troll. A weak and pathetic excuse for a human.

    8. I use less gas so I Can care for my Pets x

  9. Totally agree. Every time I see people still wearing masks and scrubbing the handles of their supermarket trolleys with sanitiser I want to shout 'it's all over now'. It makes me so mad.

    1. Don't be mad, they are doing what they think is best for themselves. They might have underlying health problems and are frightened of catching something which will make them even more ill. Look away and it won't bother you.

    2. Clean those shopping trolley handles. They are filthy. You have a better chance of picking up MRSA from a cart than you do in hospital. Yet everyone blames the the hospital because it's seen as a "hospital acquired infection". Well, MRSA can lie dormant and only becomes ugly when your immune system is compromised.

      I've seen kids filthy shoes on the cart handles and seat, who knows what they are carrying on the soles of their feet?

      So, yes. Wipe those cart handles down because the store isn't cleaning them.

    3. And people's immune systems are compromised, because they have had the jabs.

    4. I gel my hands collecting the trolley and spray the handle and wear a mask - I wish I hadn't had the jabs because it was not trailed for long at all -Now I'm awaiting repercussions from it x

  10. I’m an extrovert and enjoy being with family and friends. I chose to protect myself with the vaccine. Many people I see regularity have not been vaxed. Each person should do what is best for themselves. I will not criticize others for their choices and don’t care to be criticized for my own. I’m not easily influenced and research a lot. I’m 73 and healthy so far. Best wishes to you on your continued good health. Exercise and healthy eating go a long way to maintaining that!

    1. Totally brainwashed people are getting sick with the vaccines lol family members got at least 3 or 4 vaccines and still covid or some seasonal bug. You silly woman the day i need a vacine to socialise then the game is up lol i am a 61 year old Irish woman and have been sick in years. I eat healthy walk regularly so is the mask and vaccines helping you lol at 73 ? are you wearing your double mask all the time lol have your loyalty card for all your vaccines yet? shame on you silly woman. Its the like of you thats holding us back buying into the covid scam

    2. There are two sides to every story. There are many people like 73 year old Anonymous, who think they are protected by getting jabbed. The statistics now show that it doesn't work. Time will tell.

      Insurance companies are now saying they won't pay out on claims when someone has died after getting the shot. They are calling it suicide, because there was always a choice whether a person got it or not.

    3. Linda I have known over forty unvaxed people who have died of covid. I have known a dozen or so vaxed people who got covid and it was mild. I know of no one who was vaxed who died of it. I was polite about saying it is up to each person to do what is right for themselves. I would never call someone silly for taking care of themselves.

    4. Anon, you are talking about the few people in your circle. I study the information every day and see thousands who now regret going along with what they were told to do.

    5. Anon that is not correct vaxed have died and gotton very sick from vaccines. To be honest if you need a vaccine for anything to have a life there is something very wrong. Some members of my family are vaxxed and unvaxxed and some of us have made any of them ill. And a few of my vaxxed family has gotton covid and as i know unvaxxed. I will apologise for calling you silly its up to you to do as you feel is right

  11. Well put! I too was brought up in the era when people didn’t automatically expect to get everything they wanted, all new and immediately, as they often seem to now.My clothes were hand me downs, never went on holiday until I was 11, no TV, Mum got a second hand fridge when I was 18- what luxury. Grew our own veg, sweets were a once a week treat. We were delighted with whatever we got for Christmas, thought we were well off. Sold the car, put the money down on a house that needed lots of work, no more holidays for years! Lived within our means , didn’t keep up with the joneses! Didn’t go hungry, were cold at times, still we managed ok. Didn’t envy others just got on with it. Now we are old me live a modest life style, don’t go without, can treat ourselves now and again.It may sound dull, but that’s how many of us were , and are!

    1. Very similar in our house. I wore my aunties clothes, she was a few years older than me. We didn't have a fridge, kept the milk in a bucket of water in the outside lavatory. Our Christmas presents were one big toy, and a book. No holidays until I left school and started to earn my own money. Mum took us on a day out on a bus trip. Packed sandwiches. We survived.

  12. Why are you conflating gas bills with covid? Weirdo!

    1. You come back here time and time again with the same nasty comments. It is you that is the weirdo.

  13. Flipping eke, you do have dealings with some silly folk. No one has to agree with everything you chat about, their entitled to a different opinion, without shoving it down your throat. I think Troll is rather a mild term for them!!

    1. This is a very emotive subject, everybody has an opinion. People have been influenced by the misinformation they have been fed by the Government, and main stream media. Those who have chosen to opt out of the treatment have been threatened with health care being withdrawn, and travel denied to them. People have lost jobs. The arguments are going to go on forever, until the criminals are rounded up and arrested. Thousands upon thousands have been damaged by the treatment. I can live my life without fear because it won't happen to me.

  14. We have monthly water/sewer/trash bills. Ours is usually between $34-$43 US dollars a month.

    1. I pay a six monthly water and sewage bill. It's not very much. Can't remember exactly.

  15. Main stream media journalist14 August 2022 at 03:52

    You have not been fed misinformation by the government or main stream media.
    It’s social networks like yours and the fake news sites that you assess on the internet that spread misinformation.
    I’ve been a follower of your blog for a while and you are to be commended on how you live a frugal existence to save money .
    But the conspiracy theories you believe are
    doing this country more harm than good.

    1. I don't believe you. What is your name by the way? Where can I check you out? Give me some links for your articles? Which media do you work for? Who is paying you? Are you fake?
