Friday 30 September 2022

A day indoors

It's been very wet here for most of the day. I have entertained myself indoors. Mayze says thank you for putting the gas fire on. 
Gloria has grown a fringe. She is still naked at this point, I need to sort out some clothes for her. 

I have read the meters and now I am going to email the numbers to the utilities company. Tomorrow is the start of the new tariff, whatever that might be. 

Tomorrow is check in day for the walking group members. Let us know how you are doing. 750 miles is the target, have you reached it? 

Thanks for popping in. Have a soooperdoooper weekend. Toodle pip. ilona 


  1. Gloria is looking good. I’ve resisted putting any heating on so far. We have a wood burner and a supply of well seasoned wood which we’ve collected ourselves but will keep this for when it gets really cold. Blankets will do for now.

    1. Mayze is beside me as I type. The gas fire has been on for an hour, and I am sweating. Now turned it off. Ha ha.


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