Wednesday 5 April 2023

Sunday at Conisbrough.

Hello, we are now half way through the week  so let's get this post about a trip to Conisbrough, done and dusted. There is a car park for visitors to the Castle and as I was studying the instruction board on how to pay to park my car, a lady approached me and directed me to some free parking around the corner in a nearby street. Thank you very much lady. I was pleased about that because I had forgotten to take my purse, and only had a five pound note in my rucksack. The machine only took coins or scan the code with a phone. 

I had a walk in mind to head towards Sprotbrough alongside of the river, and come back down the other side, which is part of the Trans Pennine Trail. 

I could see a viaduct in the distance. That might be a good place to explore. 
Come and have a look with me.

I came off the river onto the road at Sprotbrough. The sun had brought a lot of people out. The pub was busy, the car park was full. I sat on a bench and watched the world go by as I ate my sandwich. 

Time to head off back. The path went alongside the bottom of the viaduct. The path coming back was a lot different to the other one on the other side. All tarmac and easy walking. Great for families with dogs and kids, and cyclists. 

There was a way up to the top of it. Had to go up there and have a look at the views. 
The sun was going down when I got back to the castle. A young man had his camera on a tripod waiting for the exact moment to press the shutter. He takes photo's all the year round and makes up a calendar to be sold for community funds. 
I forgot all about the time as I was enjoying the conversation with the photographer. It was late when I got back, the pussies gathered around me as I opened the door. 
Only seven miles walked but it seemed like it was a lot more. There was a lot of up and downs, and a lot of paddling through mud, which always slows me down. 
Anyway, must go. I have some more pics to sort out from the last two days at Whitby with a stop off at Pickering on the way back.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Just amazing!!! Definitely helps you forget everything going on in the world. Thanks for taking us car camping mother!!

    1. You're welcome to come along, Tammy. I like variety in my life.

  2. Thank you for sharing the lovely pics of your travels!


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