Sunday 16 July 2023

A look at Oxton

Friday was to be a day of walking. The weather didn't look too promising. I drove to Oxton and parked at the Village Hall. First a look at the village. It's a good job I had my umbrella. There is a big car park at the back of the pub. Four walkers with their dogs were getting ready to go for a hike. 
I won't linger at the church today. Want to get some walking done before the weather deteriorates. 

Lovely little cottages. This is a Ford which vehicles can drive through, and pedestrians go over the footbridge. 
A relic of the past. The price of petrol is 4 shillings and 6 pence halfpenny. 
I found a track to take me out of the village and up into the hills. It's raining so the views are a bit hazy. No filters have been used on these pics. 

Wading through long wet grass is not much fun. The boots were getting wetter and wetter. 

I got up to Loath Hill and decided to turn round and go back. 

Oooh look, a cave. Shall I explore. 
Fooled you, it's a tree. 😄🌳
Back in the village I had a look at the shop. Wow, this is fantastic. Jill is the lady running it. Let's have a look inside. 
Everything is neat and tidy. Such a good choice for a small shop. 
Licensed so you can buy your beer and wine. 
A Post Office counter for your transactions. 
Locally baked bread and cakes. There are newspapers and magazines, and household bits and bobs you might need. 
If you are ever passing through Oxton, between Mansfield and Southwell, pop in to see Jill. A lovely lady. 
I only had half a days walk so I needed a plan B. Back to the car for a snack, then move on. 
I'll be back tomorrow with some more pics of the afternoon adventure. Now to sort out the photo's from todays little jolly to Doncaster. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I love these little villages that you find.It looks a beautiful area and its a shame that the weather turned rainy again.You would never think that its July!I have even given up using an umbrella now cause its so windy here when it rains.My £1 charity shop mac has a pully type thing round the neck to keep the hood up,so I just peer out of that when Im walking.....gone are the days when I worry what I look like,lol.Thats a nice little shop there too!xx

    1. I am at an age where I don't care if I look a bit odd.

  2. Thank you, lovely village, wish I could go to see it and especially Jill’s shop ;). But it is a long way from the Arizona desert. I truly enjoy your trips to these towns! Like a travel documentary, thank you for the time you spend sharing this with us. Hilogene in Az.

    1. So many places and so little time. I do my best. Glad you like my travel posts.

  3. Ilona the 7th photo down is Robinhood's Hill Local knowledge lol

    1. Yes, you are right. It's marked on the OS map.

  4. Hi Ilona. My friend lives just round the corner from the ford at Oxton. They have a stream running along side the front garden. . It's such a pretty village. I will go see Joll next time I'm there. Thanks for your great photos.🚶‍♀️

    1. I walked up that road with the stream on my left hand side. Lovely houses and gardens along there.

  5. What a lovely village, and I love that shop. I would have been inside that 'cave' like a shot when I was a youngster. I was always crawling into virtually inaccessible places much to the consternation of my parents. There are some wonderful photos there and you were lucky to get some relatively dry walking weather in over the weekend, it's been torrential at times here.

    1. The shop was charming, and Jill was very happy to let me have a closer look at everything. We have had heavy rain on and off all day yesterday.


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