Friday 7 July 2023

Message from Martin Lewis

 6yrs since we started seeing mass proliferation of scam ads

5yrs since I sued Facebook. 4yrs since they settled (for £3m to charity). 4yrs since the online harms white paper (still not law) 18mth since they agreed to inc scams in it. 1 day since first deep fake scam ad I've seen Yet we've still NO proper laws NO proper regulation NO proper fines for big tech who get paid to publish these criminal ads NO mention of when things will improve NO sign of the promised online advertising programme to help It isn't good enough. Vulnerable people are being scammed, lives are being ruined, and people are totally unprotected.

Be careful. Take a look at Martin's Forum.

Toodle pip. ilona


  1. My late father-in-law, who suffered with Parkinson's and Dementia, was warned by his local council that his name was appearing on scammers call lists. Luckily he still had enough sense to put the phone down when they called, but how many don't? Similarly, a few years back I sat with a very vulnerable woman who had been chatting with 'David Hasselhof' online. 'David' had started asking her for money and she wanted to know if I thought he was legitimate. I had to gently explain that he wasn't, before her social worker appeared and agreed to accompany her to the police station to report the scammer. These people are beneath contempt and should be dealt with accordingly, but we all know that most of them disappear as soon as suspicions are raised and, even if they are caught, they are given a slap on the wrist and told not to be naughty again.

    1. Thank you for your story. There are so many people who need protecting from the evils of the criminals. We can try and spread the word, and look after the vulnerable.

  2. It is sad how people fall for such garbage

  3. I agree, it is amazing what people will fall for.unfortunate that many people don’t exercise critical thinking.

    1. We have to look out for each other. Spread the word, and hope that some people understand the concept of greed and that crooks will use any means to get what they want.

  4. I have had loads of these sort of calls over the last few years,promising me £1000 shopping vouchers,holidays abroad...I can take all of my Family and friends too...also telling me that my lap top is dangerous and about to explode!!,offering me £2000 to take up their generous offers and all they need is details of my bank account!!....I usually .....if I have got the time....put on my little old lady voice and keep them on as long as possible.Letting them think that I am going to fall for it and getting very excited about these things that are coming my way,lol.They get very upset and scream abuse at me when I eventually ask them ,How they sleep at night,knowing they are scamming people?.I reckon that if I can keep them on the line as long as possible,it is stopping them ringing some one that just might fall for it.I have rang the fraud place lots of times with their telephone numbers.They admitted that there is not much that they can do so that was a waste of time ringing them!!It just isnt right that they can keep getting away with it....and nothing seems to be being done to stop these vile people.xx


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