Tuesday 25 July 2023

Mushy food

Lunch today, mashed potato, mashed avocado, and shredded spinach, with a drizzle of toasted sesame seed oil. Got to be careful not to bite into anything hard.  

The repair is hardly visible, in fact it looks much the same as it did before. The bridge has been in for a long time. It had a hairline crack when I whacked myself in the mouth while securing a load down with straps inside a trailer. I thought I had broken it then, but luckily it was ok. Now all I have to do is be very careful when I eat. I hope the repair holds out. There is a possibility that I might lose a bit of weight, now that I can't be stuffing my face with snacks. I could do with losing a bit of belly fat. 
I've been a walk over the Humber Bridge this afternoon. I will upload the video tomorrow. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

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