Sunday 23 July 2023

New crafty project.

Something to play with on the craft table while the weather is wet wet wet. Yes, the rain is coming down again. Looking like a trip I have planned may not happen. 
I have a spare hoop, bought as one of a pack of three ages ago. Diameter 10 inches. What to do with it? Someone gave me a pack of plastic straws, the bendy type. Hmmmm, maybe I can do something with them. Cut the straight bits off and use the bendy bits. Use a hot iron and iron them flat between two pieces of greaseproof paper. Now to attach them to a black background. Don't want to use glue, stitching could work. 
I will get on with this, and do an Aldi Shop later. Enjoy your Sunday, if you can. 
Catch up later. Toodle pip.  ilona 

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