Tuesday 1 August 2023

Keeping up

 Good evening. After my mammoth fact finding and truth seeking session yesterday, I've only gone and done it all again today. There is so much information out there. It's a shame to let it go to waste, when I could be expanding my catalogue of experts, stored for future reference. Staying ahead of the game is the name of the game. There's nothing more satisfying than discovering all the pieces of the jigsaw are fitting together perfectly. The rogue pieces which don't fit in anywhere can be discarded. To be able to spot the lies is a bonus, and saves time for more important issues. 

I've never heard of Ice Cube before, worth an explore I thought. Tucker and Ice make the perfect interview. Two quick witted minds bounce off each other. Ice has a way of getting straight to the point. Clever dude. 

Robert Malone sings the praises of Christine Anderson. He says she is a true hero for fighting for the people in Europe. I have to agree with that. 

The people that matter are beginning to form alliances with each other. Andrew Neil supports JK Rowling. Glenn Beck is doing sterling work.

It looks like the Daily Telegraph are slowly coming round to a more honest way of reporting. Ivor Cummins is putting out some really interesting videos. I've just watched a discussion about the dark side of banking. 

Anyway, must go, the hedgehogs will be lining up for their supper, or is that breakfast if they have just woken up. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona    


  1. Thank you for those names, I will look them up.

  2. Still down the rabbit hole. This explains a lot. How did the Ukraine/Russia war start? Godfrey Bloom explains.


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