Friday 18 August 2023

No thanks.

I called in to see a friend yesterday, she was chucking this fast food wrapper in the bin. Her granddaughter had bought a MacD whatever it was, and hadn't eaten it. I never go in those places so I have no idea what they serve up. 
The Tango bottle was empty, and the Fleurs Kitchen bag was empty. Don't know what was in that, looked a bit chocolaty inside, a pudding maybe. But the erm, burger thing hadn't been touched. I'm not surprised, look at the state of it. 
What the chuffin heck is that? It looks revolting. I can just see a small slice of plastic cheese under a piece of shoe leather, in between a cheap white toasted bun. 
Do people really buy this awful junk, do they actually eat it? I wonder how much it costs? I wouldn't give you 10p for it. 
No thanks. I won't be calling in MacD's, or any other fast food places. 
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That's not food! The only fast food outlets that I frequent are good old fashioned fish and chip shops, and some of those are now serving some very dubious fare alongside the fish!

    1. I like a bag of chips with mushy peas now and again.

  2. Yep huge numbers of people eat this and other take away crap food. It’s not surprising we’ve got an obesity epidemic and don’t get me started on all the litter this junk creates.

    1. Yep, then they trot off down to the doctors to get their meds.

  3. Once people are overweight and unhealthy they become cash cows for big pharma. And we all know it’s all about the money not about our health.

  4. Burger King is far superior.

  5. Patty McDonald So. Ca.20 August 2023 at 20:58

    Gross! Yuck! Cars are lined up here during dinner time at the fast food places. I like to make 10 meals a month to put in the freezer. On days I cook, I like to steam a plate of veggies and add a baked potato. Thankfully my hubby and I like Dash on our food. It's a combo of garlic, lemon, onion, black pepper, and other seasonings with no sugar or salt. Hubby is more partial to a meat patty but I'm fine with an egg or veggies and potato. Sometimes it's egg casserole with spinach, mushrooms, and onions. Really, it's what you are use to eating. Anything I eat out is so over salted I really dislike the taste. There should be a class for high schoolers on how to make healthy fast food. They'd save a huge amount of their money too.


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