Saturday 10 February 2024

Big night out

The first proper night out I have had in yonks. It was all down to a friend inviting me to go with him to see this show. Em and his wife had booked tickets to two different shows, unfortunately they both fell on the same night at different venues. Pat went to the Baths Hall in Scunthorpe with a friend to see a Great Northern Soul show, we went to Gainsborough Trinity Arts Centre. 
This venue brings back memories for me. I remember, about 20 years ago, standing on the stage doing a ten minutes stand up comedy slot at the Open Mike event. My then boyfriend was cringing in his seat. It was an experience I must admit. After doing numerous one hour talks to group audiences all around the midlands, I thought this would be a doddle. It wasn't. Picking out the funniest stories about my trucking life, and condensing it into ten minutes, doesn't quite work. It wasn't a complete flop though. When I overrun my time they sent a man with a brush onto the stage to do some sweeping up. The audience were laughing their socks off. 
Anyway, back to last night. The stage set up and ready to go. We were on the second row. The seats are quite steeply tiered so no dodging behind people's heads for a good view. The Trinity Arts Centre is a converted church. 
Sit back and watch the show. 

Change of costume for the singer at half time. She was really good. 

Sophie on her fiddle was fantastic. 

The audience were loving it. After two encores they take a bow. It should be mentioned that the drummer was a young lad standing in for the original band member who couldn't make it. I don't know where they got him from, but after a couple of hours practice he fitted in perfectly. 

If you see these advertised at a venue near you, go and see them. Their show is rollicking good fun. Here is their Facebook page. This group also tours as The Wild Murphys, a tribute to Irish music. Check out their site here. The Trinity Arts Centre Gainsborough has a web site. 
Now it is Saturday morning and the sun is shining. Might be a good day to go outside. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona

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