Friday 1 March 2024

Walking Group check in.

With two months gone already, how is your walking progressing? Are you keeping up? Or are you lagging behind? 
I got a bit behind, the weather has not been conducive to enjoyable walking. I hope it starts picking up from now on. I finished on 172 miles, so made the 168 target. 
I have finished an art project, now starting another one. Creating art keeps my hands busy.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Feb was a pretty good month with 86 miles. 2024 started off slow because of the cold weather, covid and some flu-like virus going around. Total miles year to date are 101. Warmer weather is on the horizon and both hubby and I are well, so we anticipate increased miles in March. I hope you and my fellow walkers have a great March.

    1. Hello Kay. Good to hear from you. You're off to a good start. I am feeling optimistic about March. I feel the warmth of the sun about to break through.

  2. The weather has been awful this month but I'm delighted you've kept going. I'm definitely keeping up and managed 142 miles this month so a grand total of 290 since I started. I think more people need to get outside and start walking to try and curb the current obesity crisis. I have family members in their 70s who've been overweight from a young age and are now presenting with multiple health problems.

    1. Hello tbg. I was disappointed with the rainy days and could see myself slipping backwards. When that happens I make myself walk at least five miles, sometimes 6 or 7, rather than the three or two around the village. My own opinion on those that carry too much weight, is that it will put a strain on your joints, especially the knees. I hope to reach the end of my life without needing a hospital visit to replace worn out joints.

  3. Hi Ilona, 47 kilometers wonderful walking for me in February!

    1. Hello Jeanneke. Glad you are still with us. Best foot forward and keep adding the miles/kms to your total.

  4. Hi Ilona. I did 86 in February, total to date 165 miles. Started March off with a walk in sleet and hailstones today 🙄

    1. Hello Nick. A good start to the year from you. This morning I woke to rain, then sun and rain together, now it's just sunny. So frustrating that we don't know what the weather is going to do.

  5. We had a lot of rain at the beginning of February, so I didn´t walk as much as I should have. But I still managed to get to a total of 140 miles. I did a lot of gardening in the last few sunny days which is good for my health too.

    1. Hello Anon. Anything outdoors is good for the mind and body. Your garden will look lovely in the spring and summer.

    2. I forgot to say I´m Hilde in Germany

  6. How do you measure your miles?

    1. I use a web site called

      I worked out the local walks a long time ago, so I know how many miles they are. I repeat them over and over again, always the same route. I can do a 2 mile, 3 mile, 5 mile, and can extend it to 7 or 8 mile. If I walk in another area I use a paper Ordnance Survey map, mark where I walk with a highlighter pen, then check that on bikehike.

    2. Thank you! Marian from Holland

    3. I wil try to find something similar over here.

  7. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, my total for February is 74 miles. I was busy child minding for the last two weeks so didn't do as much walking as I would have liked. Phyllis, Brisbane Australia

    1. Hello Phyllis. Well done on the miles. Spreading yourself around will keep you busy, therefore no time to get bored. Best foot forward.

  8. Hello Ilona. 94 miles this month which makes 184 this year. Woke up to a foot of snow here yesterday which is still hanging around but fingers crossed for better days to come.

    1. Hello Anon. That's brilliant. We have been promised snow, but after a light dusting it hasn't landed here. I believe there is some in the north of England .

  9. 113.8 miles for Feb here. Almost forgot to post! Total so far = 232.8 mi.
    Cheers, Steph


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