Sunday, 24 November 2024

Coffee chat with a warning

Good evening. Shall I put a blog post out or not? Oh go on then. Another wet and miserable day today. More events cancelled. Our Christmas Fair is next Saturday, in the Village Hall, so that will go ahead. I am not having a stall, but I will call in and say hello to everybody. 
If you watch this video it will tell you what I have been doing today. 
Sunday night is yoootooob night. The people I follow usually put their videos out on a Sunday. I see that Janine and Liam have crossed the channel and are now in Belgium. Bruges looks like a nice place. They are heading north and want to be in Lapland by Christmas. It will be interesting to follow their journey.
Willie and Sarah on the Isle of Skye tell us how they make their money. Sarah is an artist and Willie writes music. Both very talented people. 
Emily and Louise are still renovating their cottage in Ireland. Their campervan videos have been ace.
Stephen and Dan are in Northern Spain at the moment. 
James and Helen are back from their USA holiday. Helen is back at work and James is travelling around the north west uk. 
Adam is in Norfolk, back in his Ford Galaxy after it has been off the road for a few weeks. No fear, he has a second car for his camping trips. 
Heidi the Narrow Boat Pirate is moored up in Cheshire at the moment. 
Who needs a tele when there is so much entertainment on yoootooob. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I too make bunting but just for myself. My Mum made yards of red white and blue silk bunting for Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee in the 1970's, I still have it. I also have a photo of bunting on the house for her Coronation when I was a baby.
    The bunting I make now is for the summerhouse, gazebo and my study. I don't buy fabric especially for it but use left over bits from my dressmaking or cut up pretty but worn in places, or outgrown tops.
    I do mine a bit different to you , using the flag triangle which means I can use up all bits by making each side different and thus reversible if against a wall.
    I did like the fat christmas quarter you held up first.
    I hope you don't mind me saying but I'm fascinated by the length of your golden locks. I've never seen it so long. You look quite different. I smiled to myself when I thought you were growing your winter coat like my now big kittens.😺
    Is this the new glamorous Ilona getting ready for the Christmas party season? Either way, I rather like it.

    1. Thank you for your comment . I have always wanted long hair, but it has never suited me before. It annoys me hanging around my face so I usually cut it. I am leaving it to grow for now. Keeps my head warm. I don't go to parties.

  2. Please would you put up some links or the names of the u tube channels? I know a few but would like to see the other ones. Thank you. I seem to watch more there than on tv nowadays, too.

    1. You could try putting the names I mentioned in the youtube search box. I have just tried Willie and Sarah, and came up with this. I will make a list if I have time.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.