Tuesday, 19 November 2024

I'm 70, and a bit more.

Good morning. It's Tuesday and it started snowing last night. This is a photo from 2010, taken at the back gate of the church. No need to go out today and take more photo's. The heating is on, me and the cats will stay in the warm. 
Cats fed first. Coffee and a banana sandwich for me. I will be making some more bunting. Sewing machine at the ready.  
While drinking my coffee I watched this video. It appeared on my sidebar. The title attracted me to it. I am a bit over seventy, so lets find out what it's about. I am on a learning mission. There are things I need to know, and things I can immediately dismiss and drop in the 'not interested' file.
I see in the blurb that is it copyrighted, so I don't know how that works when you upload a video to yoootooob, which is a platform where people share their content. This is a motivational video of which there are thousands floating around on the internet. I do not claim any part of it as my own, although some of it describes me and my life. The copyright stays with WISE ADVICE. 
 There is a big Farmers Rally in London today. I wish them well and hope it goes peacefully. There is a big landgrab going on. The UK is bankrupt and the Government are intent in filling the big debt hole with whatever means they have at their disposal. That means, tax tax tax. Steal a few pennies from the little people and make their lives miserable, while they still swan around in their private jets, sail their superyachts, and head off to meet up with their rich buddies in exciting and exotic places. This goes against the grain of covering the land with solar panels and wind turbines, in the name of a Net Zero scam. 
No, this is not going to turn into a moanfest. 
I have just watched Mayze dash outside for a pee. The snow took her by surprise. Funny to watch her. Quick squat, then dash back in again. 
I'll be back later. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. WTF?!? Video is complete artificial intelligence, from "voice" to images. The channel originates in Vietnam.

  2. Little people? Farmers with estates valued over a million or 3 million if married? Not sure they are little?

    1. Have you any idea how little income most farmers actually have? Their land may well have high value given the shortage of land suitable for agriculture in the UK and with pressures on it for solar and wind infrastructure, but this is an asset that generates little income when used for food production. And genuine husbandry is a multi generational enterprise, completely outside to experience of the here today gone tomorrow politicians.

  3. I hope you are enjoying the coziness of the warmth and safety of your little haven while your world is covered in snow. Enjoy the comfort of your feline companions… I could just imagine trying to do a “twinkle” and bring surprised and shocked by the unexpected cold. I chuckled.
    I’m lying in bed listening to the rain on a tin roof, the wind and the noise of the ocean and the kookaburras laughing to herald the dawn. I too am safe and snug and filled with gratitude.
    I enjoyed the video.., I’m 75 .. it resonated with me. “Anonymous “ says it’s Ai .. created in Vietnam… I ask “how does he/she/they/it have the ability to find THAT out… they/it must be more IT smarter than me… but who cares… Yes Iona .. the video resonated with me and the chapter of life I am currently passing through. I have a sister who I wish I could cherish, support and dearly love … she is so lonely.. but she is toxic and her last barbed thrust has made me close the door 7/8ths closed….my conversation has to be so guarded and filtered.. hard work. And yes I wish it wasn’t like that but it never gets better or feels loving and supportive.
    And the video made me reflect on dear friends who have died before me, who I still dearly miss. I’ve now become an “Aunty” to so many of my deceased friends’ children. What an honour to still share my loved ones memories with their children and watch their grandchildren grow into adults. I am so blessed.
    Thank you for being you (unless Ai has cloned your quirky way of looking at your world hee hee). Stay safe in this crazy cyber world that is still filled with kindness and loving connections despite the madness of the “Web”.

  4. Marlane here. The only time you have to be concerned about copyright is if you are using someone else's work to make money. And then only if that person actually has a "copyright" registration . Even then you will be sent a warning email first saying please stop using it, and then they might sue you if you were making big money from the copyrighted work. it takes big money to sue someone over it. I deal with this thing in my work making horse pedigrees.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.