Sunday, 17 November 2024

Inside The Old Rectory

Good morning. It's Sunny Sunday. I will slot these Rectory posts in as and when I have time. Shorter days are a pain, I never have time to do what I want to do. Yesterday I did a seven mile walk, chatted to a man who was tidying his garden, he wife came home so I chatted to her as well. Then I passed a friend who was tinkering with his car on his front driveway. I chatted to him and his wife, I like them, a nice couple. Time spent walking, and chatting with friends, is important for my mental health and well being.
The computer problems are ongoing until I have time to sort them. Now I know why other people have reported that they can only comment as Anonymous. I am beginning to wonder if Big Tech want to weed out all the useless social media users. Is this the plan. They don't like it when we speak out against the official narrative. We'll get rid of that lot. I am suspicious of everything. 
Anyway, take a look at these pics. Beautiful wall tiles just inside the front door entrance. I hope this is saved and reinstated in the renovations. 
Small lavvy room just inside the front door. 

Most of my indoor photo's were shot in the dark. I couldn't actually see what was there. Had to be careful not to stumble on the rubbish strewn about. I have brought the colours out with lots of saturation. I didn't touch anything. This is just how I found it. 
There was a lot of personal items. Such a shame that someone's life has been discarded. I hope someone new comes along and sifts through them and catalogues them.  

I personally think that everything in this place which is salvageable should be preserved for history. It is doubtful that somebody will want the job of sorting through it and it will be thrown in a skip. This is heartbreaking for me, and prompts me to sort through my own possessions and scale them down before I die.
I went to our local council tip the other day to dispose of a rotten old door and some broken plastic bowls which I have used in the garden. A woman was there throwing a big bag of things which didn't look like rubbish to me. I said to her, looks like there might be some useful stuff there. Her reply, 'I am clearing out the kids toys to make room for the new ones I am buying for Christmas'. I looked down into the supposedly scrap wood skip. There was some useful small furniture pieces in there, which could have been painted and made new again. We in the Western World have had it too easy to go and buy new stuff. 
Anyway, I will quit the rambling. I have a plan for today. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. What a shame she didn't take the kids' toys to the local charity shop - there are families who can't afford to pay the silly prices of new things in the shops and could have put them to good use.

  2. What a shame that lady didn't donate the unwanted toys to a charity shop.

  3. Shame for those toys, we are in such a throw away society. The old rectory home is sad. Looking at the pictures left behind it seems lots of memories and happy times there. Sad….😢

  4. The toys could have gone to the charity shops or even the food banks (some will accept them).

    Look into Swedish Death Cleaning. Basically, we should tidy up in preparation of popping our clogs so our children/relatives don't have to deal with our stuff.

  5. 2 years ago we had two houses to clear back to back because of bereavements. We tried to save as much as we could, but it was heart-breaking when nobody would take some of the old, but still useful pieces of furniture. We ended up skipping some of it, which really upset both of us. As for that woman, well she is lucky that she can afford new toys for her kids, but what a shame she didn't think to pass the old ones on to a charity who could make sure that children whose parents can't afford new toys would have something nice to open on Christmas morning. We do live in a strange society.


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