Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Last look inside The Old Rectory

Good morning. It's still frosty. I have been out in the back garden to break the ice in the water bowls and refill them with fresh water, which no doubt will freeze again soon. I will check them again later. The bird menu this morning is much the same as most mornings. Scraps of wet cat food left over from the day before, shop bought wild bird seed, and dry kitten food. Sometimes they get grapes and a chopped up apple if I have any. I have the fattest pigeons in the village.
Oscar cat has eaten and gone outside. Mayze cat is eating now, and Mickey cat is still in bed. He will be down shortly looking for food. 
Continuing The Old Rectory collection of photographs. I think most of us remember Terence Conran. I see copies of this book are for sale on ebay, price quoted £8.44.   If you want to read his Wiki page it is here.  It lists 32 books, and he married four times. 
The outside is creeping through the walls to the inside. 
Strange looking oddments on the sideboard.

My, that potplant has fared well over the years. 

A lot of this will have to be skipped. 
I hope someone sorts through the books. Could be some valuable historical references hidden there. 

Interesting documents from 1988. 
There must be some web sites where searches could be made to maybe find the rightful owners of these photographs. I have started to pass some of my old photographs to family members who might appreciate a look into our family history. I have some of my grandparents early life which I will keep for the time being. 
The sun is out which prompts me to go out. Not far though, Wednesday is Coffee Morning at the club. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. It's so sad to see the place in that state, someone's whole life and memories left to decay. I imagine it was a sudden death, or illness and being taken to a hospital never to return. Someone who had no family or anyone who cared. The mess now left was probably done by vandals who broke in and helped themselves to what they wanted. Perhaps squatters even, then kids who went to generally throw things around. So very sad to see someone's life and treasured memories thrown around.
    The plant is amazing. The new owners will have a lot to do if it is to be restored, or will it be knocked down?
    Do you know what happened to the owner Ilona?

  2. Just here to say hello llona ☺ (she of the hello in the LWT car park in Barton quite a few weeks back). I've not been looking at much on the computer recently, so I have just read the whole of o November on your blog. It's coming up to a year since I lost Terry, so I'm up and down a lot. But I've been trying to get out into nature and meet up with some new friends here in Barton at the Living Later Life Project. They've been very supportive. And reading some of your posts has inspired me too . I'm also thankful for my beloved Kits 🐱🐈 who are such good company, as you will know yourself Ilona. Anyways, all best wishes to you and your kits. Maybe our paths will cross again soon. Take care and stay cosy xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.