Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Christmas Day beside the sea.

Yes, I am definitely here. I can vouch for that. But where am I? 
I saw a boat.
And another boat. 

There was a pier. It was closed. 
Flowers on the railing.

I saw lots of seagulls. 
They all came down when someone scattered some bread.

Is that it, or will there be some more. 

I saw a blind dog, and the owner was happy to talk to me about it. He said I could take a photo. The dog is 10 years old and has been blind from birth. It can't see me but it turned it's head towards me when I asked it to look my way. What a nice couple to adopt a disabled dog. 
I walked along the sand and looked out to sea. 
I walked underneath the pier. 

I saw a lot of wind turbines a few miles out to sea. 
It was a lovely day out. The weather was perfect. I'll tell you a bit more about it tomorrow. 
I hope you had a nice day. Thank you for popping in and thank you for your comments. 
Toodle pip. ilona. 


  1. Are you in Saltburn, Ilona?
    It's very nice, wherever you are.

    1. No. I didn't cross the Humber Bridge.

  2. I don't know where you are, but it looks lovely. I can almost smell the sea!

    1. The sea front and the town is very busy in the summer season. Best to come in the winter.

  3. Cleethorpes. Looks like plenty of people about.

    1. A lot of people out for a stroll on the promenade. A lot of dog walkers on the beach. It was nice to see families out in the fresh air.

  4. Definitely Cleethorpes. I hope you had a lovely day.

    1. Yep. 45 minutes drive due east. I make it lovely because I talk to people.

  5. A good place to be when it isn't heaving with other people! Nice bit of sunshine too...we're a bit short of that on the West side!!

  6. I haven't got a clue, but it looks marvellous. I hope you had a good time!

  7. Lots of people about. Seems you had a good day.

    1. It was nice to walk up and down the beach and promenade without having to dodge people.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now.

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