Sunday, 29 December 2024

Not all the same.

 I keep hearing the words, 'we are not all the same,' bandied about. Pretty obvious, eh! Each and every one of us has our own preferred way of organising our lives. We live where we best fit in. Picture is from the book of faces, you know what I mean. People living and travelling in their vans, congregating at a park up for the night. 

The comments are split between those who think it's a good idea to be in the company of others. Safety in numbers and meeting like minded people. And others who think this is hell. Far too close, dangerous, a fire risk, and we like to get away from people. Hence the statement, 'we are not all the same'. 

In another comment someone says, 'each to their own,  just enjoy what is right for you in the moment and everyone is happy'. Another saying bandied about. 'each to their own'. What does that mean? Like it or lump it, you can always bugger off when you've got wheels.  

So what happens if one has set up camp and hasn't got wheels? What do they do when newcomers appear and move in right next door? The chances of them being 'all the same' are pretty slim. What happens if they don't look the same, they come and go at all hours of the day and night, they have friends visiting, they have big families, and they make a lot of noise.

One has the option of moving to a different place I suppose. But without wheels the upheaval would be massive. But what happens when you find your your new haven, the place where you feel safe, and then  others decide they want to set up camp there as well. The empty spaces become filled up, and you are back to where you were before. Living with people who are different. So, no, we are not all the same. True statement. 

This is not a post about van life and camping. Some people like space around them, location is important, access to the outdoors is a must. Others are happy in a block of flats where they walk to their local facilities. Stating the bleeding obvious, 'we are not all the same'. 

If 'each to their own' is to be followed through, then planning laws have to be tightened. Riding roughshod over people and forcing them to accept an invasion, is detrimental to living in harmony. 

Happy Sunday. The sun is out. Thanks for popping in. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I agree with you. People aren’t the same, of course everyone is different. The trouble comes when people who have completely different values start moving in.

    You are an amazing woman

    1. It's a simple enough concept. You can't force people to like each other or even get on with each other. A lot of people don't like me. That's fine, they gravitate towards those they have something in common with. I have invisible boundaries just as they have.

      Some differences are obviously visible, some are hidden. Making a decision on what you see is simple enough. The clues are there. I don't like that person so you walk away. The hidden differences take some time to work out. Even after getting to know someone better there is never a guarantee that friendships, even relationships, will not turn sour.

      Saying that, 'we are not all the same', is a cop out. It lets people off the hook.

  2. I am concerned that "rules" we are expected to adhere to do not seem to apply to everyone - One rule for one - none for another x

    1. Everyone who resides on British soil should be governed by British law, as passed by Parliament. As you say, that is not the case. People who come here bring their own laws with them. Proving we are not all the same. Two tier Keir is a very apt name for the person who was elected to run the show.

    2. Debbie, Flis is correct in what she says. She is welcome here.

    3. Thank you Ilona x


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