Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Not just for Christmas

 Hello. A good start to the morning. The bin men have been and emptied my red bin. It is the last collection before Christmas. It used to be the done thing to give them a Christmas tip, along with the Postie as well. I don't know if people still do this. I know I used to put a tenner in an envelope to show my appreciation of their continued service. 

Christmas is a time for giving, but I don't see why it shouldn't be spread out over the whole year. I didn't hand over an envelope today, I did what I usually do. Three operatives, three bars of chocolate. If I am in the house when they come I have the chocolate ready to dash out and pass them to the driver. Usually the same crew, they are a good bunch. Usually men, but we sometimes get a woman as well. I used to be a bin lorry driver so I know what a hard physical job it can be. 

I plan to make a visit to the Farm Shop this week. I will buy some special preserves to give to my village friends. I won't be trawling the shops in town. I am hopeless at choosing presents for people. 

The wind outside this morning is very gusty. I think someone is messing with the weather. Pumping stuff into the atmosphere. It must be something to do with those drones that have been sighted. All rather blurry out of focus pictures. Makes you wonder if there is something going on. Maybe they should start shooting them down. That might solve the mystery of what is causing this chaotic weather. 

Anyway, less of the pondering. I am thinking I might go for a walk. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You are spot on Ilona. There is something wrong with this weather.i agree they are pumping stuff into the sky.

    1. Yesterday morning the sun was coming up at the back of the house. The sky was shades of red with dark clouds scooting along. At the front, the moon was shining brightly like a sun, before it faded into the grey clouds. The temperature has turned warmer today.

    2. At mine it was dark and overcast, and then there was about five minutes of sunshine, the back to dark again, This is not natural.I wait to see what will be said about those drones…but won’t be reading it on MSM.

  2. Your gifts are extremely thoughtful and I know will be very appreciated. And on the drones…. I hope our government doesn’t think citizens are that stupid!!!! And “they” have no idea, give me a flipping break!!! And to try and tell citizens oh just go on about your business 🙈🙈 is just insulting people.

    1. The spinning of fear porn is relentless. Next big thing, bird flu. Distraction is the key. Nobody will notice if Trump doesn't get sworn in.


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