Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Story - part 2

More from the exhibition at the 20 21 Arts Centre. 
As time goes on the Christian Church will no longer be needed. Neglect will see it being reclaimed by nature. 

Meat producers will be taken over by the big corporations. Animals will live in controlled environments. 

They will be herded into slaughterhouses after never seeing daylight. 
The big men will be in charge. 
The little people will be clamouring to jump on the bandwagon in fear of being left behind. 

Robots will be everywhere. They will be reporting back to the controllers about any misdemeanours they see taking place. Punishment will be dished out withdrawing any privileges the culprit may have accumulated. Their digital passport will be stamped accordingly. Restrictions of movement will be the consequence. 

Eating unhealthy food will be punished by a lifetime of taking drugs. 
Eating healthy approved food will be rewarded with extra rations. 
The times they are a-changing. Bob Dylan. 1964. 
Thanks for popping in. Catch ya later. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Re digital ID - I've read a couple of items recently about digital IDs being trialled in pubs to verify age, sounds very much like the thin end of the wedge and gushing response before going full on nationwide.

    1. Yes, I've been listening to David Kurten from the Heritage Party. We must resist this and say, no, I'm not doing it.

  2. I agree we must resist digital IDs - there is no end to what they will do.

    1. If they start by issuing digital ID's to all applications for economic migrants, I will join the end of the queue and get mine.

    2. A good point. I would also be prepared to give up some freedom to get my country back. Did you hear that Farage has best odds at being next PM?

  3. Well aren't you feeling cheerful today you little ray of sunshine ☺. Joking aside. It's scary looking to the future and it's not too far from reality

    1. I am gleefully looking forward to the end of winter and the start of spring. In the meantime studying what's going on in the world keeps my brain alert. Some aspects of the future can be predicted. Forward planning can help avoid the potholes. Nice jumpers by the way.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.