Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Trolley dolly

Hello. My legs are like jelly tonight. I got the 1.09pm bus to town, and walked back. I came a different route from last time, just for a change of scenery. I got off the bus at Sainsbury's and walked down Doncaster Road towards Berkeley Circle. Oh my, what a scruffy road, dropped litter everywhere. I walked through this park, and found an abandoned shopping trolley. I walked past it then changed my mind. I can make a detour to B & M Stores, and take it back. Some lazy person shouldn't have taken it that far away from the store. Come with me trolley, I will see you safely home. 
Out of the park and onto the road. I bet people wondered what I was doing.  
I came across another B & M trolley, a much bigger one. Someone had pushed it down a bank and into a ditch. I tried to pull it out but wasn't successful, it was too heavy. I will tell someone at the shop about it, maybe they can send a man to haul it out. 

Now getting closer to the Retail Park, which is next to the Football Ground, I found another trolley on the edge of a housing estate. Oh dear, this one looks like it is dead. 

Oh no, now there is another one. Tesco is across the road. Well I am not taking this one back, they can come and get their own. 
This is getting ridiculous. More trolleys on the housing estate next to the Retail Park. Two from Aldi, which is next to Tesco. Another one from B & M. 

I don't believe it. A Tesco and an M & S trolley next to the playground. There's no way I can move all these.  

At last, I delivered my lost trolley to the front door of the store. I went inside, through the exit door and was told off by a cashier on the till.  You can't come in that door. I said, I don't want to come in. I just want to tell you that some of your trolleys have been abandoned on the housing estate up the road. Perhaps you could send a staff member to collect them. She wasn't interested. 
I don't know why I bothered. I was just trying to help. They must waste loads of money replacing trolleys that have been lost or stolen. I'm thinking of starting a business. Collect all the lost trolleys, take them back to where they belong, and ask the store manager for £5 for every one I return. 

The Christmas decorations are coming down from the loft. This garden looks a bit full. 

With making that extra detour to take the trolley back, I was running out of time. The last half a mile was along a track next to a wood, up a steep hill, and it was getting dark. Spooky. Just made it, good job that I know that route. I've just checked the distance on Eight miles, no wonder my legs are wobbly tonight. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. No good deed goes unpunished, huh? Sounds like the stores need to invest in locking wheel shopping carts.

    1. I almost gave up when I came across the other abandoned trolleys. But no, I'm on a mission to return at least the first one I found which was the furthest away from the store. But no, I have morals, I have principles, I do not steal trolleys.

  2. Good morning Ilona, what a very good spirited community action taking back the trolleys. I don't know if you have to pay for your trolley in the UK but here in Italy you pay either 50 centimes, 1 euro or 2 euro for the trolley and get your money back when you return the trolley to its rightful place. There are no rogue trolleys left anywhere here. I would hope that someone from these supermarkets would thank you for your actions (wishful thinking maybe!!). Have a good week. Ro (n.w. Italy)

    1. A lot of our trolleys require a £1 coin to release them from the stack by the front door of the store. They should be returned there to recover the coin. I am sure there are other ways to get the coin out.

    2. Aldi staff told me to use a corned beef key to open trolleys if I don't have a pound coin

  3. Hi, there is a company called you can report them to. Veronica

    1. Thank you Veronica. I have checked out the twiiiter account for Trolleywise, there have been no new posts since October 2022. They are a charity and it is advised that you get their app to report any trolleys needing recovery. It seems such a faff.
      Here is an article about abandoned trolleys, from June 2013.
      Who is able or can be bothered to do this?
      The Trolleywise app, external enables people to report an abandoned supermarket trolley cluttering up a riverbank, street or road by taking a photo and then a GPS signal will give its exact location.

  4. Ilona I admire you when you do a task you always try your best and an eight mile walk no wonder you were tired I'm very pleased you got home safe and sound.i was blown in every direction on my night job last night gales of wind rain large puddles soggy feet but like you boy is it good to get home lolxx

    1. Hello Jo. I sometimes have the urge to push myself way past the comfort zone. If I finish a task early, and stop when there's potential to do more, I feel like I have cheated. It was a struggle to get up the last hill. Thankfully there is a bench at the top where I sat and caught my breath.

  5. It was good of you to try and return all the trolleys. Ours usually require money to release and there is a special coded lock on the wheels so that you can only take them just so far from their normal "parking" spot and then they lock. It has stopped a lot of this sort of nonsense.

    1. I have seen the trollies with a lock that is automatically triggered when you try and take them away from the car park. A good idea. Maybe they should all use that system.

  6. Bless you for returning some of the trolleys, shocking how many you found. Here in the USA homeless people steal a trolley and fill it up with their blankets, etc. On my walks each day I pick up a piece of junk and put it in my trash or recycling can. How can people walk past this stuff. You are doing your bit, and me too.

    1. There doesn't seem to be any respect for other people's property. They take what they want and to hell with the consequences. Sad really.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.