Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Welcome 2025

Ok, so I made a video of the walk I did yesterday. The sunset was too tempting, so after the photographs I changed cameras. It's a bit boring. Ten minutes walking along a field edge, and looking back at the sun going down. 
Today has been very windy. Me and Billy got blown about. I stopped to chat to someone from the Coffee Morning, but Billy gets restless and wants to keep moving. It was too cold to chat anyway. 
If any of the International Walking Group want to check in with their mileage, can they please do it here. I have finished on 872 miles. I wont be doing the challenge next year. I will still be walking, but won't be recording every mile. I encourage everyone to keep walking, or cycling, and do their own challenge. I am sure the exercise has improved your health and well being both physically and mentally. As I keep saying walking outdoors is a great way to keep the joints and muscles working. 
It's just over three hours to midnight. I don't usually stay up late, but I may have to tonight. The cats are indoors with me at the moment. Oscar usually wants to go outside when I go to bed. I expect some fireworks will be let off. I know Mickey is scared of loud bangs, and it would be better if Oscar waits until it is over.
Now I'm going to have a glass of Port and watch a video. A Happy New Year to everyone who visits my blog and watches my videos. Let's make 2025 the best year ever. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Happy New Year to you, Ilona. All the very best for 2025. H

    1. Thank you very much Helen. I would like to say, I go forward with optimism, but I think it's going to be hard to put the brakes on now that we are slowly sliding downhill. If people wake up from their slumber we might have a chance. Happy New Year to you.

  2. Happy New Year Ilona, just keep being special, individual you. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Thank you Jan in Gresley. I can't be anything else. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Happy New Year Ilona to you and your fur babies xxx Happy 2025 xxx

  4. What a beautiful sunset!!! Thanks for sharing. Wanted to wish you a Happy New Year mother!!!! You keep speaking truth and we are listening and sharing.
    I won’t say I have made any New Year’s resolutions. I do have some things I want to make sure I pay attention to and put forth a better effort. I want to start blogging more. I think it’s a great way to use the ol’ gray matter in the brain and keep it active. I have a lot to learn and that’s what I want to do, continue to learn new things.
    Here’s to 2025!! Let’s live our lives and be free to enjoy everyday!!!

    1. Thank you Tammy. Beware, blogging can become addictive, and any addiction can become destructive. Just dabbling is fun, but make sure you don't neglect your other interests. Freedom to choose every time. Happy New Year to you.

  5. Happy New Year Ilona, keep on doing things in your own way.

    1. Happy New Year to you Colin in Kent. Oh, I will, you can be sure of that.

  6. Happy New Year Ilona and congratulations to you and others in the walking group
    for the miles you’ve achieved. I walked 120 miles in December and archived a grand total of 1591 for the year. I intend to keep walking in 2025 and hope you will too even if you don’t record the miles. Many thanks for all your support, encouragement and amazing blog.

  7. Sorry previous comment with the distance of 120miles walked for December was from me. Forgot to put my name in the box.

    1. Thanks tbg. I will keep walking, and recording the mileage on my own calendar. It helps me to write it down. I will be here to cheer everyone along. We can swap fitness stories at any time. You have done amazingly well, and will continue to benefit if you keep it up. Happy New Year.

  8. Happy New Year 2025! Thank you for showing me how to go my own way. It is not always easy, but it is so rewarding.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Good to hear from you Hilde. The only way forward is the one you chose for yourself. No, it is not easy. It takes a certain strength of character to go against the flow, but the rewards are much greater than if you got sucked into something which was going in the wrong direction. A Happy New Year to you.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Rachel. I wish the same for you. I have been meaning to email you. I must get the signing in thingy sorted so I can comment. Basically I am lazy, my favourite saying is 'I can't be bothered'. Now the sun is out so I must go outside for the last hour of daylight.

  10. Happy New Year Ilona - I continue to enjoy your blog along with your YouTube channel. I appreciate your thoughts and ideas and enjoy all of the photos and experiences you share. I hope to see more in 2025.

  11. Happy New Year Ilona. Arilx

    1. Thank you Aril. I wish the same for you.

  12. Belated Happy New Year Ilona, keep talking the truth. Xx

    1. Thank you flis. I will. Happy New Year.

  13. Seems like just a few years ago when we were being warned to turn off computers because no one knew what would happen when the date clicked to 2000. Hard to believe that was 25 years ago! 2024 was a great year for walking. I logged 1134 miles this year. The total for 2022, 2023 & 2024 is a whopping 3180. Walking has many physical and mental benefits, and I definitely plan to continue logging my miles. It's fun to think just how far 1134 miles really is!
    Kay H from NW Arkansas (where temps will be in the 20s next week....brrrr)

    1. I remember that Kay. We were expecting computers to blow up. I feel worn out just reading about your walking miles. You certainly have put a lot of effort into staying fit and healthy. I don't think you have anything to worry about regarding your future health. You will reap the benefits. Well done.

  14. Happy New Year Ilona and thank you for encouraging us with the walking challenge. My total for the year is 2173km (1350 miles) and I am so proud of myself for completing it. I will continue to keep walking and cycling for my fitness as I know how much better I feel. Yours is the only blog I have ever commented on and I've followed you for years so thanks once again for your inspiration. I so enjoy everything you say as I feel the same way. Bye for now, Phyllis Brisbane Australia

    1. Hello Phyllis. Good to hear from you. I am proud of you.Your total is amazing. Just keep watching, keep listening, and relax. Then smile in the knowledge that they can't pull the wool over your eyes. You are far too bright to fall for their silly tricks. Happy New Year.

  15. Happy 2025 Ilona and fellow walkers,
    Thank you for all those years of walking inspiration and support. Walking has become part of my natural physical and mental health and life routine with all its benefits and I will keep on walking. You showed me the way.
    In 2024, my eighth year as a member of your international walking group, I walked 977 kilometers.
    Sending love and best wishes for Health, Happiness and Peace in 2025.
    Jeanneke from Dokkum in The Netherlands.

    1. Thank you Jeanneke. I feel like we have known each other forever. In the past we have always started the year with lots of people signing up to the 1000 mile challenge. As with a lot of New Year Resolutions by the spring, many have dropped out. As you have found out, looking after your health and fitness is not just for Christmas. The benefits are earnt over the whole year. People with poor lifestyles could turn their poor health around, if only they could make the commitment and stick with it. I wish you happiness throughout 2025.

  16. Happy new year ( better late than never) from cath in Ireland. Well done fellow walkers and Ilona for being an inspiration. 81 miles in December so scraped in with 1061 for 2024. Will try for minimum of 100 a month for 2025 plus more travel and car camping.


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