Thursday, 12 December 2024

What I did today.

No real rain today, except that mizzly drizzly stuff, so I went to town on the 11.30am bus. The Bus Station is next to the Arts Centre so I called in there for a quick chat with Nicky. Treated myself to a Magnum Ice Cream. 
I walked the same route back home as when I found the glass blocks. Didn't find any more. I have been trying to scrape the paint off them but it's stuck fast. I need to get some Nitramors paint stripper. Is that how you spell it. 
Another fly tip I came across. A quick peek in the bags tells me they are full of mainly clothing, some household linen, and kids toys. Shocking to throw them all away when they could have gone to a charity shop. 
Tonight, at 5pm, I went to the park. They have installed some coloured Christmassy lights. I drove there because I had already walked five miles. I took photo's and made a video. I will post them tomorrow. 

Now I am going to relax with Mayze cat and a glass of sherry. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That sounds like a PERFECT day to me!!!!! And no better way to end it and relax. 🤗❤️🐾

    1. Hello Tammy. Nothing planned for the day, but I like to make things happen. If I go out something always happens. An artist in the Arts Centre who I have met before. We had a good natter. I put an embroidered heart in my pocket, and when I met the right person, I gave it to them. A small elderly lady pottering along with her stick for support. Her eyes lit up when I said, I want to give you a lucky charm. She smiled and put it in her bag


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.