Friday, 20 December 2024

Your rules, my rules.

 I note that a blogger has been accused of writing biased posts. Isn't it so that all bloggers are biased in their thinking, and interpretations of world events, based on what they read and where they read it. There is so much information out there to unravel, it is inevitable that people will reach different conclusions. 

I have been told I am biased.They use that word as a slur against my character. Those accusers are themselves biased, because they get their information from different sources. 

There are some blogs that I skim over and quickly move on. I know the ones to avoid, and I am grateful to those who avoid me. 

When you go into a pub and are confronted by groups of people, some you know and some you don't, isn't it normal to join in with those you might have something in common with? Cliques are everywhere, in real life and online. 

What is obvious to me is that the language used by those who wish to control us comes from the top few who have all the money, and filters down through the ranks via Governments and all media, purely to provoke fear and dominance. This is their weapon. 

No point in fighting each other. You might as well curl up into a little ball and hibernate with the hedgehogs. You can follow their rules, or fight like a trojan to maintain the lifestyle you have now. 

Have a good Friday. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Talking sense again well done Kate

  2. You are, of course, correct everyone is biased. There are all sorts of biases


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