Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Tuesday titter

Good evening. Another one which took a long time to upload. I really must try harder to get them under ten minutes. This is a thankyou to the new subscribers, and everyone else, who watch my videos. 
It's been another miserable day outside today. I've had to put the lights on inside the house because it has been so dark. Ridiculous really. I did manage to get a dog walk in this afternoon. Billy didn't get one yesterday because it never stopped raining, so today he was raring to go. For a ten year old dog he has lots of energy. 
I rang my garage about getting my car booked in for an inspection of the clutch. They are busy and could only offer me the 25th. I took the car to another local garage to see if they had any appointments. The earliest they could offer me was the 25th. They are also busy. So no luck there. The clutch might not be a bigger problem as I first thought. It is not likely to fail and leave me stranded, so if I am gentle with the gear changes it hopefully won't break down before the 25th. 
Time get this post done and chill for the evening. Mayze is wanting her cuddle. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. 💯 👍 ilona" you keep flying the flag for Laughter 😃..I'm fed upP of all this PC crap. The fun as gone out of life for many people and it's sad too see .. people once cracked jokes with each other. About the Busty Barmaid down the local Boozer (pub)..no harm was meant by it just having a Laugh. Anyways meanqueen
    Have a great day
    All the best
    Levi xx ♥️ 💕..

  2. Oh I do miss those happy days of casual racism and misogyny - what larks it was back then. People just need to lighten up and not take everything so seriously!

    1. Divide and conquer, that's the plan. People should open their eyes and rise above it.

  3. Another great video ilona. Keep them coming. Nick


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.