Sunday, 16 March 2025

Katie Rant

Katie is very good at this. A 'get it off your chest rant' to clear the decks and start again. Then move onto the next one. There will always be something to rant about. I will let the Queen of Rants do her stuff and stand aside. 
I see that Cro has posted another  'The Week in Brief ' feature on his blog. I find myself looking forward to these now. A short punchy round up of the weeks news, as seen by Cro. 
Another blog to watch is Rachels 'The Road to Kazakhstan'. A combination of her everyday life, with a smattering of the political scene. Try this post, Glad all over. 
It seems I have some imposters in the comments section on my blog. People claiming to be someone else. Inventing names for themselves, or stealing someone else's identity. We need a new algorithm, Sniff out the bullshit. I will pick out the trolls and delete, but you dear reader must take every comment with a pinch of salt and make your own mind up. There are those out there who see this as a sport. Protect yourselves. 
Sunday morning and all is well. Cats fed and birds twittering in the garden. Enjoy the day ahead. 
Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. I like Cro very much - I regularly read his blog and agree with most of his views on life - I don't comment as I don't have a Google account though - Rock on Ilona x

  2. Cro is interesting as a man of a certain age. He's witty and at times a bit of a Colonel Blimp type. Can't post on his blog because my Google is acting up and I have no idea of how to fix it.

    Billy the dog is a charmer, and Mrs. Cro must have the patience of a saint.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.