Monday, 17 February 2025

Monday morning musings.

Good morning. I've had to close the back curtain because the SUN 🌞 is shining and I can't see the computer screen. The Breakfast Club were waiting for me when I got up at 7am. Oh dear, best get the bird seed scattered then. 20 minutes later after a good scoff they took flight over the tops of the nearby houses. 
I see they have got the landtrain out again at the park yesterday. It has been in the shed all winter getting spruced up for the forthcoming summer season. It is half term holiday this week for the kiddywinks so it will be out every day. It cost £2 for the round trip, tickets available at the shop. 
A quick flit around the internet this morning. What is happening, what is everybody doing. I have to say that Cro is putting some interesting posts out. His Sunday Newsround seems to be stirring things up a bit. I see he is being monitored by Traveller who is keen to point out Cro's misinformation. That makes me laugh. Bloody misinformation. Seems like the whole world is ready to pounce on anyone who dares to voice their own thoughts on anything out in the public domain. 
I still haven't figured out how to activate my goooogle account. Truth be known I have stopped going around in circles trying to sort it out. It does mean that I can't comment on blogs which ask you to sign in with your account. Some might say that's a blessing because they don't want to hear from me. Perhaps it's not a bad thing for me, because it keeps me from getting drawn in to some of the bickering I see going on. I prefer be on the outside looking in rather than in the thick of things. I can comment on other blogs which allow a name to be inserted into the pop up box.  
I've been watching some videos on re using old clothes and turning them into something more modern and fashionable. The Japanese are particularly good at this. It has given me an idea for a sewing project. I like patchwork, small pieces of colourful fabric sewn together. Maybe I could make a garment that I could wear using this method. 
Must go now. I need to wash my hair before I go to Crafty Club. Thanks for popping in. The sun is out here, whooooppeeeee. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I love the idea of transforming clothes and have previously looked how to online - unfortunately I just make a mess - I really look forward to seeing what you achieve Ilona x

  2. I was beginning to think it was me! Google sign in is a huge mystery. some blogs, I'm me. Others I'm anonymouse. Others I just can't manage the sign in.

    It seems to be a huge systems glitch

    1. I keep going round in circles. I think if bloggers ditched the 'sign in with google to comment', and allowed anyone to comment putting their name in the drop down box, it might make it easier. But it's personal preference

  3. Yes me too as in making a mess. Hopefully get inspired by MQ as I do with many things :) Sharon

  4. Ilona you are one talented lady.All those lovley things you have made yourself are amazing.Im sure you'll create something wonderfull for us all to see.I can just about sew a button on hahax

    1. I'll give you an update as I go along.

  5. I don't know if you have come across Kate at The Last Homely House, but she makes the most amazing quilts (and spins, and knits and . . .) Here she is making a patchwork denim jacket.
    and this is a link to her dressing gown:

    Since losing my husband last summer, she has been my lifeline - my friend in the corner of the room, just talking and keeping me going.

    1. Thank you. I have seen some of Kate's videos. Thanks for the links, I will check them out. I fast forward some of her tutorials because I can pick up a lot of techniques without watching and listening to every word. I am a bit impatient. I agree, it is very soothing to watch her delivery.

  6. I'm the same as you and others. I can write my blog but not comment on it unless anonymous. Can comment on some blogs with Google id but not on most. Was all working fine then it just went down.
    Sally from Devon

    1. I was blaming my ex friend when he fiddled with things and it all went wrong. Maybe it wasn't his fault.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.