Saturday, 26 June 2010

Our friendly village fete

I'm feeling a little bit lost now, no dog to walk, Henry has gone back home, never mind I will be seeing him again on Friday. I'm looking after another dog tomorrow while Graham goes to Spurn Point with his rambling friends, dog's aren't allowed. Lady is a happy dog so it will be an easy day.

Our village fete was a huge sucess, the fabulous weather brought loads of people out. It's lovely to stroll about, chatting to friendly people, everyone is so nice here. I managed to get some sponsor money in, but there is still time to collect more before the walk on the 9th.

Guess what, I won second prize in the photographic competition, with this photograph. Everyone else had their glossy prints done professionally, I did mine on my printer on matt paper. I was surprised that this one won, in my opinion, of the nine I entered, there were two which I thought might have had a chance. The prize? A certificate which is going to be emailed to me.

Burton in Bloom raises money for groups in the village. We have lots, there is something for everyone, from toddler groups, to sports groups, and pensioners social groups.
The village green is very pretty with trees of different colours and varying sizes, scattered about. We have old fashioned lamp posts and litter bins, and benches to sit and watch the world go by, it's very relaxing, I often sit for ten minutes.

Some of the local charities bring their own gazebo's and put up a stand.

The lady in the pink skirt and white blouse is Janet, my friend who comes to feed my cats when I am away. Hello Janet, (she reads this blog).

This is the Lindsey Lodge Hospice stand, they are always popular.

Here is Janet again, she didn't see me take this photo.

The children were queueing up to get their faces painted. My friend Helen does a great job, she works for the toddler group. She's a busy lady with three small children of her own.

There were plenty of games for the children to play on. Also an arts and crafts exhibition in the church, and a produce, baking, photographic, and childrens exhibition in the Methodist church.

Thankfully there wasn't too much litter left behind afterwards, I soon cleared it up with my picking stick. The place is looking ship shape ready for tomorrow when people will be out and about looking at the open gardens. An early night for me tonight, I am dozing off now as I type this. Goodnight.


  1. It looks like you all had a great day out! Well done in coming second in the photography competition. It's a great photo. Jane xx

  2. Lovely photograph, very atmospheric, it should have won a first!!

  3. Sounds such fun, glad you had a good time

  4. Looks a geat day out. Wish we had fetes like this where I live. Unfortunately, my housing estate has suffered from the dreaded apethy for many years. Our community hall is hardly used, and the community paper that used to be free and delivered by volunteers has now folded. I was one of the many volunteer deliverers until I had to give it up due to my fulltime work. I once wanted to organise a street party, but the council would not allow the street to be closed for one afternoon, also insisted on third party liability insurance, which I could not afford. People generally seem to be reluctant to get involved in anything that`s put on in our community hall. There is no community spirit round here. I`ve always hear that the northern people are the get-up and goers in that department. Your fete looks lovely!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.