Sunday, 27 June 2010

My new frugal hobby

I haven't been to the car boot sale for ages, always got something else to do, or I can't be bothered to get up early enough for it. It's a nice day, so let's go for it. A quick cup of coffee and a bowl of bran flakes, and I was off. It's only five miles away at the football ground, there was loads of sellers there.

I found a couple of cat books for my friend, 30p each, and a vest tee shirt 30p, for me. Then I found an absolute bargain. I have been looking for some roller blades because I fancy having a go, but I didn't want to pay too much for them in case I am not very good at it. I saw these under a table and they looked about the right size. I felt a bit silly asking how much they were, but when the woman said £1, I brushed my embarrassment to one side. I tried one on, and thought with a thicker pair of socks they might be alright. For £1 you can't really turn them down can you, if it doesn't work out I could probably sell them for £5.

I handed her a £1 coin and hastily walked away in case she changed her mind. Just a bit further along I spotted a set of elbow and knee pads and I wondered if I would need them, I wasn't planning on falling down. I asked how much, 50p, another bargain. So for £1.50 I am kitted out for my new hobby. I thought I would give the helmet a miss, if I am that hopeless to fall on my head, I shouldn't be doing it at all.

Couldn't wait to give it a try when I got home, so here they are on my feet. I live in a cul de sac street, only a few go cars up and down, and the centre of the road is quite smooth and flat. I have an old walking stick so I took that with me to aid my balance when walking over the rough bits, and stopping and starting.

Guess what, I am pretty good at it, and it's great fun. I used to ice skate when I was in my late teens, and my sense of balance still seems to be ok. Now I need to find a bigger space with a smooth surface to practice on. I am hoping it tightens my flabby thighs up a bit. :o)


  1. You certainly have got guts! I tried this a few years ago with my sons scates, but found myself going too fast down a hill, took a tumble and dislocated my right elbow when I tried to save my bum from hitten the ground too hard. My elbow now suffers from arthritis.
    `Stupid mother, what did you do that for?' was all the sympathy I got. I hope you`ll do better. Just be careful going down hills. I wish you luck, and much fun. I stick to cycling from now on.

  2. One of my daughters bought me a pair of roller blades a few years ago. I tried them once in the house on the parquet and was absolutely hopeless. I've never touched them since and now they lurk behind a chair in a room we rarely use - ready to whip out if ever she asks me about them ;o)

  3. You go for it! I used to love roller skates when I was a kid! have fun........I bought a hula hoop from Morrisons the other day for £2, get me a bit fitter!

  4. Wow, I used to love hula hoops. I tried it a couple of months ago, I seem to have lost the knack, it kept slipping down my legs ;o(

  5. You do make me laugh!! I can't skate on anything (ice or rollerblades) for toffees... and I can't think of anything more horrid than whizzing around in danger of falling... but I am in awe of those who can! Well done you!

  6. Have you seen "Rollerball", the 1975 film starring James Caan?

    Perhaps there may be some helpful tips there ;))

  7. Lol Ilona you be careful. Maybe a helmet would be a good idea, you just never know. I used to be a great roller skater as a kid but I wouldn't want to try it now lol. Great bargains though. I'm the same, I keep seeing the car boot sales advertised but there is no way I am getting up early enough to get to a 6am car boot sale on a Sunday morning..madness. Why do they have to start so early? Whats wrong with a 10am start??

  8. You go for it, Ilona! lol!

    We have a gentleman round our way - must be in his late 60s - who spends a large part of every day zooming up and down the cycle lanes on inline skates! He says it keeps him fit and on his toes!

    I don't think I could do car boot sales - far too early for me!

  9. well done..ur uch braver than i there anything you could not do?


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