A short change of topic before I finish the Edale trip, inspired by the latest post from Lovely Grey, click on her blog on the side bar. She talks about 'what next', after her recent holiday. Most people would be a little deflated when they return from a joyous well earned rest, knowing full well of the humdrum life apparently mapped out before them. But Lovely Grey, and myself, embrace each day as it arrives.
Every day I wake up with a new enthusiasm, I know it sounds corny but I feel happy to be alive. This week I am looking after Ollie and Alfie, the two black labradors. It doesn't sound particularly exciting, I won't be able to go very far, just lots of local walks tramping the same old ground. I will have to get up early because they will be wanting to do their ablutions, and I will have to take them out last thing at night, whatever the weather. They will want my attention and want to be with me, so that will restrict me a bit. My freedom which is so very precious to me, has gone out of the window.
But hey, look on the bright side. I always look for a bonus, something that makes me smile, something that lifts my heart. The dogs are gorgeous, they will want lots of cuddles because they will be missing Paul, and all that fresh air and excercise will get me off my bum and keep me fit. It is only for one week, and it is good for the soul to feel wanted and loved ocassionally.
There was another little bonus this morning. as we were coming towards the woods, a car pulled up and two strapping young men wearing running gear hopped out, with their dogs. They were wearing the skimpiest of red silky shorts, and tight fitting lycra vests. I watched as they ran off into the woods, what lovely muscular legs and pert bottoms, oooops is that sexist, ha ha. I almost forgot the age difference and ran after them ;o)
So, what I am asking is, what was your bonus for today? What has made you smile and momentarily taken you out of your environment. What have you seen or what has happened to perked you up? What has made you glad to be alive?
March 1st
18 minutes ago