Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Feeling a bit Peaky ;o)

Something I spotted while out today........

Tesco have decapitated their three wind turbines. I wonder why? These are positioned in different places in the car park, you can see a headless one on the right, the mast is still standing. Perhaps they have discovered that they don't generate enough electricity to run the store, or maybe they are going for an upgrade, with the deluxe version arriving shortly to replace these. Or maybe they have been removed because they are afraid the tops might fall off and kill someone. After all, just before Christmas the whole of the canopy across the front of the store fell down under the weight of the snow. Luckily no one was hurt, perhaps that has put the wind up them a bit, and they are taking no more chances. Ha ha.

Just a bit of an update here......I am pleased to report that Rocky, little scruffy dog, has had a bath, he smells lovely now. I took him a walk yesterday with Henry, and brought him back here for half an hour untill his owner returned. She has been seen taking him a walk, so maybe things are looking up for the little fella.

Remember My Beasley, the big ginger cat who wouldn't stay at his new home, no matter how many times we took him back.

I saw him this afternoon, he lives with Janet and Paul, in their multi cat household. He is obviously very happy and contented because he hasn't made a bid for freedom in ages. Just to be on the safe side though they have had him microchipped. Isn't he gorgeous.
Tiger and Lilly are still at Sue's in one of her pens, awaiting rehoming. Sue put them in with Willow a young female, and they all get on fine, and play together.
My bags are on display in the Arts Centre, along with about ten others. They are centre piece at the moment, but may be rearranged because they are expecting some more to come in. I must say they look pretty good, and in my opinion are better than most. I think one artist has cheated a little because her bags are completely covered in fabric and sequins, non of the original canvas is visible. She might as well have made her two bags from scratch and hidden the canvas ones inside. I will take pics of them when the rest are added to the display cabinet.
I'm off on a walkabout tomorrow till Friday, hoping this nice weather keeps up. I'm booked into Edale Youth Hostel in the Derbyshire Peak District for two nights. Lots of good walking round there. Not sure if I'll get onto Kinder Scout though, depends how boggy the moors are. I have already done Mam Tor, Hollins Cross, and Lose Hill, so maybe I'll be looking around Ladybower Reservoir. Edale of course is the starting point for the Pennine Way, only 270 miles, I'll maybe set off from there and pretend I am doing the full Monty, ha ha. Anyone fancy joining Me?


  1. You'll be spoilt for choice, there are so many walks to do in the PD!

    I wish I could join you, but sadly I have to work :(

    I hope the weather is good for you... it has rained and rained here (in the south of the peak district) all day long!

  2. Hope you have some good weather for your walks. Have a good time, and I shall look forward to reading all about it when you get back.

  3. It's good to see Beasley again, looking-good too!

  4. If Kinder is anything like the moors up here, it'll still be frozen. Forecast is for colder weather, so I suspect it'll be good for walking on the bogs... Have a good hols anyway..!

  5. Isn't Mr Beasley just gorgeous. I do hope that Tiger, Lilly and Willow will find a loving home very soon♥

    Peak District, my neck of the woods Ilona. My family live in Glossop. Crikey I didn't realise the Pennine Way was soooooooo long, think I'll have to pass on that one. Look forward to seeing your photos though:) Have fun and take care. Linda xx

  6. Good to have updates on the animals. I agree, that cat is stunningly handsome.

  7. Have a lovely time Ilona! Wrap up well though, it'll be chilly at this time of year. Good luck with the Pennine Walk, enjoy the views and fresh air! I'd love to go there sometime but I would prefer May or June when the days are longer and warmer.


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