Friday, 11 March 2011

Not a happy day today

I feel very sad tonight. For all the people who have lost their lives, lost their family, lost their homes, lost everything, in Japan. One can't imagine the horrors that they have gone through today, the pictures are heartbreaking. Sorry, I can't write any more.


  1. It is very upsetting, thinking of them x

  2. Echoing your thoughts Ilona and feeling very sad indeed. Linda xx

  3. Just sitting watching all the images on the news and it is awful, awful. I feel so for the Japanese

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan as the horror of this disaster unfolds.

    Thinking of you too because it is very distressing for those of us that look on with a feeling of helplessness.


  5. It is distressing but we don't have to be helpless. You can find ideas here to help

  6. Feeling very sad and upset also. Is it my imagination or has there been so many disasters lately. It is hard to think of all that suffering. My thoughts are with all those people.

  7. At least they were the best prepared of any on the Pacific "Ring of Fire".
    See the link on thread on the earthquake...When the Cascadia faultline on West Coast America shifts, and that is WELL overdue, I don't think that they are well prepared in any way.

  8. Here am I, planning my new decor, it is hard to imagina losing ones home and even worse, freinds or family members. I plan to light a candle at Chalice well peace garden later today.

  9. Absolutely. Words can't begin to say all that we want to say. We want to act and thank you Joyful for the links. Just feeling overwhelmed thinking of those people who died and those left. Sending love.

  10. Thank you for the links Joyful. Overwhelmed with helplessness is very true, I just sat looking at the screen and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The people in the cars trying to drive away from the surge, and not quite making it. My God, watching people dying, hell on earth.

  11. It is absolutly devastating what has happened my son is in the middle of it he works at a language school in Tokyo. We have been to Japan twice and it is such a beautiful country and the people are so friendly and they will a band together to help their fellow countrymen. My son is fine he is not far from the fuel plant fires. His appartment on the outside wasn't badly damage but he has lost all his stuff inside. I'm hoping he will come home now.

  12. Oh dear, Kate, you must have been beside yourself with worry. Thank goodness your son is ok, perhaps it's a good idea if he did come home, to recover from the shock. Looking at the total devastation it's hard to imagine how they are going to recover from it. It looks like ten or twenty years work to do.


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