Friday, 23 December 2011

Carol's Five Star Hotel

Hi peeps. It took me about five and a half hours to get here, there was an accident on the M1 at junction 21 near Leicester, then it was quite busy past Oxford. Newbury was a bit clogged up with shoppers, same at Basingstoke, then it was country lanes through Alton to Linford.

Carol made us a lovely dinner. Starters prawn cocktail, potatoes in garlic sauce, fish, and mushy peas, pudding was a chocolate eclair, and of course we started on the wine. Boy it isn't half hot in here, I'm not used to this central heating mularky, I'm having to take clothes off not put them on, ha ha.

Do you like Carol's frugal tree, it's ten years old. The fairy on the top, which you can't see is 32 years old. and the lights and tinsel are the same age.

I could easily become a tele adict with this massive screen, we have just watched Coronation Street, it's like being at the cinema. We are now sipping Bucks Fizz and eating Maltesers, I can see I am going to put a bit of weight on over the next couple of days, Carol's cupboards and fridge are stuffed full of food. I hope I don't get too accustomed to living the life of luxury, or I will coming back down to earth with a bump when I return home.

We have a walk planned for tomorrow if the weather is ok, which should be fun. I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves, don't drink too much. Toodle pip.


  1. I've prepared a post especially for you tomorrow. Enjoy xx

  2. Hope you have a lovely time and enjoy yourself with your friend. xx

  3. So glad you are still posting while you are away, have a lovely time x

  4. It all sounds like fun. I would know more if I recognized some of the foods you mentioned. Some must be chocolate, I assume. That is a nice tv. When I am in central heated homes, I suffocate since I am accustomed to not only a drafty old house, but insufficient heat. (I don't leave heaters on at night.) Have fun! Merry Christmas!

  5. I tried to view the videos you put on Youtube, but I get a message that "The uploader has not made this available in your country." Exasperation! So, now can you allow us in the US to view it? lol

  6. Well, don't you look at home!
    Happy Christmas, Ilona!
    Jane x

  7. Have a lovely Christmas - you deserve it x

  8. Sounds lovely! Have a great time! Is that Pinoccio in the background? I was always terrified of the whale in it.. :(

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Very Merry Christmas to you and enjoy your time with your friend. I truly enjoy your blog!

  10. Happy Christmas Ilona! Have fun with Carol, enjoy the food and the warmth - I am sure your walks will sort out any weight gain!

    PP - Maltesers are a kind of honeycomb ball covered in milk chocolate and an eclair is choux pastry filled with fresh cream and chocolate on top - scrummy :0)

  11. Well I know you don't really do the Christmas pressy thing but happy holidays anyway from me and mine XX
    Love the idea of a walk on Christmas day.

  12. Sounds like you're having a lovely time Ilona. We usually have a walk on Xmas morning too. Happy Christmas to you and your friends. Love Helen xxx

  13. Merry Christmas Ilona, have fun with your friend and enjoy being catered for.

  14. Thank you for the pleasure of reading your blog. Merry Christmas and may you have a blessed New Year.
    Martha from Kansas

  15. Merry Christmas to you and your family,

    Gill in Canada


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.