Thursday, 22 December 2011

A faffing day today

I am not very disciplined when it comes to getting ready for something, I always think I have plenty of time so never rush myself. Then at the end of the day when I haven't got half the jobs done I still can't hurry up. I have no sense of urgency at all, and faff about doing things that aren't important.

Right now I should have my bags packed, I should have the cool box almost packed, I should have my clothes sorted out, I should have my boots cleaned, I should have cleaned the inside of the car out after I transported rubbish to the tip in it. Have I done it, have I heck. Instead I have just spent half an hour printing off a Christmas card for the people round the corner who used to own Lily. I take a photo of him every year and put Merry christmas from Smartie on it, that's what he used to be called. I put it through their door so they know he is still alive, they probably aren't bothered but it makes me feel better to let them know.

Anyway I did get a few jobs done, like wash the litter trays. Get them all out on the yard and scrub them out with hot soapy water.

Then run the Dyson round everywhere, I don't want Janet to think I am a sloppy begger, ha ha. Next clear everything off the table, put a fresh cloth on it, old bed sheets come in usefull for this, and wash the cats trays and dishes. They always have their food here, easier for me so I don't have to bend down on the floor, easier to clean up as well, I am not a fan of scrubbing floors. That little square on the end is my bit where I eat my breakfast, I don't mind sharing :o)

Next empty the boxes of pouches into the plastic box, and, with the dry nibbles, install on the other table, within easy reach for Janet. Put the kitchen waste bin under the table for the empty pouches.

Then I had to take 12 tins of cat food round to Sue's, which I picked up yesterday, they are for Bobo. I went on my bike as it's been quite warm here today.

Then I took Rocky dog for a walk, then I went to see my friend Barry. Oh bother, I've just remembered I should have gone to the Post Office to renew my car tax, it completely slipped my mind, will have to do that next week.

Lunch today was a big plate of green salad leaves and crunchy salad, topped with chopped celery and grated cheese and drizzled with toasted sesame seed oil, scrummy. That's the last of the cheap salad now, finished nine days after the sell by date.

Right, I'm off to stick this card through their door, then start packing, then have a bath. I'll get off here and stop faffing about. I hope you all have a marvelous Christmas, behave yourselves because I will be watching you, ha ha. Toodle pip.


  1. Have a safe journey Ilona and have a peaceful and happy Christmas.

  2. Safe journey, Merry Merry Christmas,Ilona!!
    Jane xx
    PS We'll be watching you too!

  3. I hope you enjoy yourself and have a good time. Thank you for all the pleasure your writing gives me.

  4. If you have a debit card, you can renew your Car tax on the telephone, it's a lot easier than finding the documents and queuing up in the Post Office. Takes about 10 minutes and your tax disc arrives in the post. I have done mine this way now for the last few years. Even got the husband doing this now!

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas break xxx

  5. Thank you Anonymous, that's usefull to know. We don't have long queues in our village post office, and I like to use them as often as I can so that they don't close it down.

    Thank you for your kind words Jayne, it is a pleasure to write for you.

  6. Have a good Christmas and enjoy the company. Take care!

  7. Have a safe journey Ilona and good Christmas with your friends.

  8. Happy Christmas Ilona, enjoy the rest.

  9. Have a wonderful Christmas day, Ilona and I hope 2012 is good to you. Maa

  10. Have a good one Ilona! hope 2012 brings all good things.

  11. Your cheese salad looks delicious, and healthy. I hope you dont mind me saying but do the cats need those expensive sachets? Mine have tins which I bulk buy quite reasonably priced. I use a supermarket comparison site to find the cheapest. Hope I havent caused any offence mentioning this.

  12. And before its too late, HAPPY XMAS & A GREAT 2012.

  13. Hope you have a lovely time at your friend's, Ilona, and best wishes for the new year, too.

  14. Happy christmas everybody

    midlands annie


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.