Sunday, 18 December 2011

God moves in mysterious ways

Today has been a 'bit of', day. I've done a bit of housework, a bit of sewing, a bit of dog walking, a bit of reading, watching a bit of 4oD, and a bit of litter picking. The rubbish has been blowing around the village a bit just lately so I thought I would have a tidy up.

I give my time freely to keep my village spick and span, I expect no reward, it's just nice when people say thank you. It's nice to be appreciated. Today I got a bit of a bonus. I found three cans of Blackthorn cider in the churchyard, still in their plastic sleeve. How strange. So my wages for today was £2.73, paid in cider.
Thank you Lord :o)


  1. How exciting, I hope you wash the cans before opening, you never know what might have 'investigated'.

  2. That takes me back...15 years old and drinking cider in the churchyard!
    Fast forward...54 and still drinking cider, but in more comfortable surroundings LOL

  3. He moves in mysterious ways!
    Jane x

  4. Mr Sft and I have just LOL!

    Just brilliant and your favourite: Cider!

    Sft x

  5. Some of your comments are making me LOL. Very funny Jake, and welcome.

  6. He moves in mysterious ways - and knows what you like to drink!

  7. That's so funny! Can't say I've ever been paid like that! ;)

  8. Nice find - the lads probably got disturbed and just dumped it.
    I pick up litter too on my walks but only recyclables then I put them in my bins when I get home. This fetish for bottled water is amazing - I guess it cost more per litre than gasoline.

  9. Bottoms up Ilona, divine intervention. Someones loss your gain. Sally

  10. You made me laugh out loud with this.

  11. Here in US:
    Hard cider=alcoholic

    So. UK cider is alcoholic?

    Just curious!

  12. A lovely Christmas bonus!!

    Sue xx

  13. Nice reward!! Or Early X-mas pressie!

  14. Ilona, those cans were destined for you lol. Result indeed!

  15. Yes, PP, it is alcoholic, 4.7% volume, that's why the lads and lassies drink it in the churchyard, away from their parents prying eyes. My getting drunk days are long gone, I can only manage one can these days, I used to drink several pints but not any more. I might have one can a week now, if that.

    Yes indeed Divine Intervention Sally. Better down my older more experienced throat, than messing up the mind of someone too young to understand the long term implications of too much booze.

  16. thanks for the little way God is thanking you for your efforts...

  17. Looks like a drink I would like.


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