Monday, 16 April 2012

Day 4 Stainforth to Grassington

Tonight I made it to York, but I'll tell you about that later. Getting a bit confusing init.

These pics are from day 4. Kevin took me back to Stainforth to start the day where I finished yesterday, so don't worry, I didn't cheat by getting a lift. He gave me some directions to get me on my way. This is looking back at Stainforth.

Withing ten minutes I lost the path as I went into a wood. I tried the right fork but it went down a steep drop, no good, then the left fork disappeared so I was confused. I decided to head for Langcliffe via the road. Checking the map I found a path which runs alongside the railway line and next to the road. I'm pleased I went this way because because it turned out to be an interesting diversion. I came to the Craven Lime Works, past the Hoffman Kiln.

It's a fascinating place, the kilns are in two long rows side by side. This is one side.

You can walk along the whole length of them inside.

The limestone was blasted from the cliff face next to the kilns.
This is Langcliffe village centre.
And the church. There was a lot of people about getting ready for a days walking, I remembered it's a Saturday, I'm losing track of the days now.
It was a long trek across to Malham Cove. The track is high up and it was very windy and cold, though no hail like yesterday. I met quite a few groups of teenagers doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The scenery is fantastic even when cold.

At last I arrived at the top of Malham Cove, I have been here before but it is still amazing. I am standing close to the edge of the Limestone Pavement on top of the cove. I daren't go any closer as it was very windy.

This is what the pavement looks like, massive rocks, the crevices in between are up to two feet deep. It's best to hop across the top of them and not to put your feet between them.

I came down to the bottom via the steps at the side, and stopped for a break next to the stream.
That's the cove, and I was standing right on top of it.
I carried on to Malham village to pick up something to eat and drink. I didn't have time to sit in, so I took it with me. Another long trek across to Grassington. Thankfully this route was quite straight forward, all the signs were there and visible. The road was a long upward climb, blimey it didn't half get my lungs working flat out, and my heart was beating ten to the dozen. I arrived at 6pm and popped into the Spa shop to get something for my tea. I'm glad I don't have to use Spa too often, everything is so expensive.

This is my B & B for the night. It doesn't look too exciting, but for £40 it was beautifully decorated, and quite lovely inside.

Toodle pip.


  1. Those limekilns looked very interesting. Malham Cove is so interesting. I did a geography course there when I was at school. Also cycled around there.

    Grassington, a pretty village. I could tell you a very funny tale involving my friend and me hiding under a bed in the boys room and knocking something over, guess what it was? We were playing a prank on the boys on a cycling weekend, like sewing their pyjama legs up, and heard them come in, hid under the bed and ........ I got teased a lot over that.

  2. Stainforth looks lovely and that church is fantastic. Great photo's again thanks for sharing. Keep your calorie intake up dont want you fainting away. Enjoy tomorrow.

  3. Ilona, you are up t' North. Have you seen any 'dark satanic mills' yet? (hehehehe)
    Jane x

  4. What a pretty church and some lovely countryside surrounding it - no YH this time ?
    Good luck with the rest of the journey.

  5. Lovely photos. Beautiful scenery. Do you ever camp out?

  6. Malham cove is amazing. I think I too have had a picnic not far from where you had yours. Take care. X

  7. Lovely Photos,I love that area of England.

  8. Great photos, love the beautiful countryside. Cheers Judy

  9. fab pics. I loved the limestone pavement! Great armchair tour :-)

  10. Hi Ilona, I love Malham cove! We go there in the summer holidays and have picnics! Nice fun walk for the kids and they like counting all the steps as they trek up. Take care! Debs x

  11. Hello - have been reading about your trip - we are from Cambridgeshire and love the Yorkshire Dales - somehow stumbled upon your blog and photos - it is wonderful to share your journey with you. Beverley

  12. Hi There Ilona, Loving the blog and amazed at your stamina!! Photo's of our England are fantastic. We stay at Grassington quite often as we love to go walking there and have often stayed in Townhead B&B where you stayed, it's about one of the cheapest b&b's there, but very clean and nice food.
    Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your journey xx

  13. What gorgeous scenery Ilona, I must get back to Yorkshire.

  14. When I saw your pics of the Cove I thought I'd seen it before...I did--the gal at Attic24--Lucy-- recently visited with her husband and children...she posted's the link if you'd like to see her post:

    I live in the U.S. so was not familiar with the is impressive.


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