Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Don't throw it out, make something with it

I've had a lazy day today, it's been raining most of the day here, and from what I see on the news, the whole country is having a bad time of it. I haven't heard of any localised flooding though, my village is quite high up so all the water runs down the hill and into the Trent.
Here is a bit of frugal advice for you, don't buy an unbrella from the Pound Shop. This one took a bit of a battering on the walk, and as you can see it is falling to bits. I wondered what I could make with it, so I removed the cover from the bent frame.
And this is what I came up with. A doggy coat for Rocky. I ironed it and folded it in half, then cut out a half circle for the neck. I stitched the two sides together along the sides and top, inside out, then turned it the right way and ironed the seams flat. Next I cut a piece of thick fabric the same size and inserted it, pinned it in place, and did another row of stitching half an inch from the edge to keep it in place. Next I stitched the bottom up. A tab to fit under his belly and some velcro to fasten it.  
And there we have it, smart eh! Waterproof and cosy. He seems to like it. A lot cheaper than buying a ready made one, and dead easy to make.
Are we off out now, I want to try it out.
I checked how many miles I managed to walk over the five days, the total was
Day 1  19.57
Day 2  19.90
Day 3  16.25
Day 4  17.10
Day 5  17.23
Total  90.05
Not too bad I suppose, average of 18 a day. I still want to beat that 162 miles which I did in April. Oh well, it will have to wait till the spring now before I can do another long one. Still plenty of day walks to do when we get some good weather over the winter. I shall have to get out or I'll get withdrawal symptons. Toodle pip


  1. Absolutely the biz! I would make one myself if I had a broken umbrella OR a small dog x

  2. That is brilliant! Rocky looks like he knows he's the dog's b****s! (Excuse the language but I could not resist).

  3. You're nearing a marathon a day with your walking mileage, Ilona. How are your feet now? Rocky looks delighted with his new jacket, and raring to go for a walk. He's got a cheeky little face and looks very loveable. You've done him the world of good and it certainly shows on him. Hope you manage ok in this bad weather we've got just now. All the best, Christy.

  4. wow, that is so inventive and the dog looks great :-)

  5. That is just amazingly inventive-love it. My neighbour paid a fortune for her little scottie dog's coat- this would have been just the ticket.

  6. what a neat idea and very frugal.

    Gill in Canada

  7. What a great idea, Rocky looks absolutely gorgeous♥ 90 miles in 5 days is fantastic:) xxx

  8. Doesn't Rocky look smart! A very inventive way to use the pound shop brolly fabric :0)

  9. What a fab idea. I could make one for Jess. She has a fleece one for when we stay at the caravan, it gets very cold at night. I will be making her a waterproof one now thanks to your tutorial. I'm a bit thick with sewing!!
    You did very well for mileage on your walk.

  10. He looks lke a little prince (and I bet he feels like one too)...gorgeous!
    Jane x

  11. OMG he looks wonderful - red is his colour !

  12. Love the coat, very enterprising use of something that would have been thrown away -hats off to you my dear!

  13. That dog coat is amazing, best recycled thing ever ! You are so clever and enterprising !

  14. That is a good-looking, cheap remake. Now, you can save the bent frame and put it out for green beans or something to climb on in your garden next year.

  15. Rocky will be quite the man about town in his dashing new jacket...great job!

  16. Very impressed with your ingenuity and skill being able to make that great coat for that handsome little dog of yours. Clever clogs!

  17. Amazingly simple and inventive!! This dog is positively thriving in your care, so why not buy him off the uncaring owner? He would make a great walk copanion for you.

  18. Sorry to hear you had to abandon your walk, but still a lot of miles covered. The coat is great, saves the broken brolly going to landfill. x

  19. What a brilliant idea, one I'll most definitely copy for my two little dogs, the Pugs coat is so dense that when she gets wet she stays wet for ages even after a good rub down.

    I have a couple of old brollies that will do just the job.

    You walked an amzing amount of miles in just five days - well done.

    And yes, I agree with the other comments - Rocky just HAS to be yours somehow, he looks amazingly happy now he's spending time with you again.

    Sue xx

  20. Ilona, you are a mind reader! What do I have in my porch and can't bear to throw away?...a busted red umbrella!!
    Rocky looks great.

  21. What a fantastic idea. By the way, the floods in England have made it on to our morning news downunder. If you kept on you may have been canoeing rather than walking!!

  22. Your five day mileage tally was an incredible feat in my book...good job. Good thing that you decided to cancel the rest of the trip....the weather is awful.
    Rocky looks so adorable in his new rain jacket...all ready for a walk in any downpour.

  23. Hi Ilona! I've been very busy, but have returned! I've got so many posts to catchup on your blog, but am going to sit down tomorrow and read them all from 2 months ago. Hope you're doing well.

  24. He looks really smart in his lovely coat. I was hoping you would be making a few items again to show on your blog as you are always so inspiring.
    You should be proud of the 90 miles you did in what ended in atrocious conditions. We were glad when you said you were home again.
    Wendy (Wales)

  25. You're the tops, the epitome of waste not want not. Rocky looks like a very cute caped crusader.

    Jean x

  26. What a brilliant idea, you are very crafty - get it, crafty ?
    And he looks very pleased with himself. Did you think of doing anything with the brolly frame?

  27. Llona that is a superb use of an item that could so easily be dumped. Well done to you. I have subscribed.

  28. Oh my goodness, that is genius. I am soooo impressed. I have four dogs, wish I had your talent.


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